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Independent work of the student

Questions for self-study:

1.Ponyatie economic growth, its dimension.

Form of control:

- To discuss

Theme 13. Unemployment and inflation as a manifestation of economic instability
(1 hour)

The seminars

The purpose of the lesson:

- Know the differences between the types of unemployment
consider the socio-economic effects of inflation.

Topics for discussion:

1.Differences between cyclical, frictional and structural unemployment forms.

2. Okun's law role in the economic analysis.

3. Socio-economic effects of inflation.

Questions and tasks:

1. Consumption function is: C = 100 + 0.9DI.

Income Consumer spending Savings

A) Calculate the consumer spending and savings for given values ​​of disposable income;

B) Calculate the marginal propensity to consume and marginal propensity to save;

C) Calculate the cost multiplier.

2. Economic challenge.

The entire population of the country (figure conditional) is 10 000 people, of which 3,000 children and adolescents under 16 years of age, patients in psychiatric hospitals and correctional institutions; 2,000 people dropped out of the labor force, 500 unemployed and 700 workers employed part-time or looking for work.
Using this data, determine:

a) the level of the economically active population;

b) the official unemployment rate.

3. On the economy of the country have the following information: the amount of GDP at full employment is 100 billion dollars; Expected consumer spending, corresponding to that of GDP, should reach 80 billion dollars, The marginal propensity to consume is 0.8, the amount of planned investments, regardless of GDP value is 10 billion dollars. Determine:
a) The volume of the equilibrium GDP if the state does not interfere in the economy.
b) The additional investment needed to equilibrium GDP increased to 100 billion dollars

4. The presented data show the consumption function (in billion dollars)

consumer costs                    

a) The volume of the equilibrium GDP, provided that the amount of investment is 60 billion dollars., while government expenditure is equal to 0.
b) How will the amount of equilibrium GDP, if the value of investments to fall to 30 billion dollars?

Independent work of the student

Questions for self-study:

1.Suschnost, types and methods of measuring inflation.
2.Razlichie between demand inflation and inflation in production costs between the unpredictable and predictable inflation.

Form of control:

- To discuss

- Problem solving

Theme 14. The main directions of economic policy

(1 hour)

The seminars

The purpose of the activity:

- Know the essence of fiscal, monetary and credit policy.

- consider the stateØ budget and public debt

Topics for discussion:

1.Denezhnaya weight and structure. Monetary aggregates.

2.Finansy and their types.

3. The budget system and its characteristics.

4. State tax policy.

5. Public debt and its servicing.

6. The main directions of foreign economic activity of the state

Questions and tasks:

1. Advantages of market self-regulation

Based on market research, developing under capitalism, list the positive

qualities of the regulator of the economy.

2. Disadvantages of a market regulator

Knowledge of the market reveals its inherent flaws in the impact on the national economy.

Note the negative quality of regulation.

3. By the terms of the left hand column find the appropriate definitions in the right column.

1. The Open Economy a) Relations that are part of the global economic system
2. world economy b) Transportation system and data communications world economy
3. The internationalization of production c) The country's economy and exports and imports of goods and services
4. world economy d) The division between the countries of operations for the manufacture of complex products
5. Exploded international specialization e) Cooperation among countries to integrate the production and consumption of goods
6. Global infrastructure f) Economic system that covers the entire planet

4. Right/ wrong
a. Selling government bonds to foreigners to finance future spending, the state imposes a burden on future generations of the country.
b. Rising foreign demand for U.S. government bonds, due to higher interest rates in the U.S., increasing external debt and the U.S. dollar exchange rate decreases.
a. More precise characterization of the external debt of the country does not give its absolute value, and its relation to gross national income.

5. By the terms of the left hand column find the appropriate definitions in the right column.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-30; Прочитано: 339 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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