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Questions for the 1-st interim control

1. The subject of economic theory (ET).
2. ET methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction).
3. Function of economic theory.
4. Economic system. Types of economic systems.
5. Economic relations, economic categories and laws.
6. Property relations. Types of property.
7. Deregulation and privatization. Features privatization in Kazakhstan.
8. Three main issues of the economy.
9. Needs. Kinds of needs. Immensity of needs.
10. Resources. Features resources.
11. Line production facilities (LPV).
12. What is studying microeconomics, macroeconomics.
13. Schools and areas ET.
14. The concept of production, distribution, exchange and consumption.

11. Natural economy
16. Basic conditions of commodity production
17. The concept of "the market." Conditions arise.
18. Infrastructure roars. Principles of the market economy: marginal analysis cost alternative choice, economic rationality.
19. The concept of product. Attributes.
20. Money and its appearance function, and modern forms of money.
21. The concept of demand, the demand curve, the law of demand,
22. Non-price determinants of demand.
23. The concept of supply, the supply curve, the law proposal
24. Non-price determinants.
25. Market equilibrium, the deficit, the surplus.
26. Elasticity, types, formulas.
27. Competition: Perfect and Imperfect
28. Monopoly and oligopoly
29. Monopolistic competition
30. Monopthony, oligopthony
31. Form monopolies.
32. Utility types of utility.
33. Indifference curve, indifference maps.
34. Budget line, the balance of consumers in the market.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-30; Прочитано: 247 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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