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Independent work of the student. Questions for self-study:

Questions for self-study:

1. Different models of rational behavior of economic man.

2. Circuit economic benefits and interactions between economic agents.

3. Different types of economic systems

Form of control:

- Tasks

- Control work

Theme 3. Property relations and their role in the economy

(1 hour)

The seminars

The purpose of the lesson:

- To meet the economic and legal content property

- To consider the type of ownership

- To consider the transformation of property relations in Kazakhstan

Topics for discussion:

1. Objects and subjects of property.

2. The transformation of property relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan

3. Privatization: methods and problems.

Questions and tasks:

Questions about the nature of the property

A. Watching the life of the animals, you can find their actions related to the construction of housing and the accumulation of food (do so, such as ants, birds). We also know that living beings are often fierce battle for the division of the habitat, which gives food.

Does all this mean that the animal has the property relations?

B. French Socialist P. Proudhon in the "What is Property?" (1840) stated: "Property - is theft."

Do you agree with this opinion?

Дата публикования: 2014-12-30; Прочитано: 273 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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