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Text II. A gift should be refused three times before being accepted


Ex. 1.

A gift should be refused three times before being accepted

A gift should be gift-wrapped and offered with both hands

If your gift is not accepted you should understand and withdraw it.

Offer gifts after negotiations are concluded

It’s a good idea to give gifts on behalf of your company

Never give the same item to people of different rank or stature

The more senior the person, the more expensive the gift

You shouldn’t offer a gift to one person in front of the group

A gift’s value should be commensurate with the level of the business dealings

You should be careful to select the right colors and numbers

It’s a good idea to select gifts and gift wrap them in a local shop


Ex. 2.

1) False: they accept gifts with a reserved demeanor and refusethree tomes not to appear greedy (par. 1); 2) True (par. 2); 3) False: Waiting until negotiations have concluded will eliminate the appearance of bribery. (par. 3) 4) False: A good guideline … (par. 4); 5) True: (par. 5); 6) False: The colors black, white and blue are negatively associated with death and funerals. (par. 7); 7) True (par. 9)

Ex. 3.

1) – c); 2) – a); 3) – c); 4) – b); 5) – d)

Vocabulary Study

Ex. 4.

1) demeanor; 2) bribery; 3) stature; 4) circumvent; 5) commensurate; 6) reciprocate; 7) sever

Ex. 5.

1) greedy; 2) recipient; 3) to soften; 4) even; 5) inadvertently

Ex. 6.

1) to; 2) on of; 3) with; 4) with; 5) –

Ex. 7.

1) concern; 2) eliminate; 3) singled out; 4) extravagant; 5) inadvertently

Ex. 8.

1) – e); 2) – c); 3) – g); 4) – a); 5) – d); 6) – b); 7) – h); 8) – f)

Ex. 9.

1) appearance; 2) softness; 3) soften; 4) bribe, 5) bribery; 6) embarrassment; 7) embarrassing, embarrassed; 8) reciprocate; 9) complication; 10) complicate; 11) symbolism; 12) symbolize

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