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Text II. The main message of text A is to show the essence of a transnational company and its types


Ex. 1.

The main message of text A is to show the essence of a transnational company and its types. The main message of text B is to show the role of a manager in a multinational corporation.


Ex. 2.

1)Sometimes it is above the GDP of some countries.

2) It should operate in more than one country.

3) A transnational corporation doesn’t identify itself with only one national home.

4) The development of the internet was the prerequisite to the appearance and growth of micro-multinationals.

5) A “mixed marriage” is the relations in multinationals.

6) Every manager should concentrate on operations from a worldwide perspective.

Ex. 3.

1) A multinational manages its business in more than one country.

2) The home country of a multinational houses its headquarters.

3) Host countries are used by multinationals for the location of subsidiaries.

4) The main sphere for micro-multinationals is software development/IT.

5) Doing business globally requires attention to the management of all levels.

6) Global business challenges in particular top managers.

Vocabulary Study

Ex. 5.

1) convergence

2) aspiration

3) excess

4) sustainability

5) reference

6) delivery

7) production/producer

8) execution/executive

9) contention

10) definition

Ex. 6.

1) – f)

2) – a)

3) – h)

4) – b)

5) – g)

6) – c)

7) – e)

8) – d)

Unit II


Text I


Ex. 1.



Ex. 2.

1) to support work places in the country

2) wide/expanded network of suppliers

3) additional protection

4) hit by smth.

5) touching neighbouring countries

Ex. 3.

1) appeal

2) recession

3) simultaneously

4) epitomised by smth.

5) shift

6) domestic jobs

7) bulwark

8) emerging countries

Ex. 4.

1) 2 engines: trade and capital flows

2) rich countries

3) boosting domestic demand quickly

4) the WTO and its regulations

5) governments of the emerging countries

Vocabulary Study

Ex. 6.

1) – d)

2) – h)

3) – e)

4) – c)

5) – f)

6) – b)

7) – a)

8) – h)

Ex. 7.

1) - capital flows

2) - has plunged in chaos

3) - deteriorating infrastructure

4) - slump in demand

5) - multilateral agreement

6) - shrinking resources

7) - emerging markets

8) - boost the relations

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