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Ex. 3. Summarize the main characteristics of Generation Y workers

Ex. 4. What advice does the author give to employers to make the most of the young workers’ potential?

Vocabulary Study

Ex. 5. Form the abstract nouns from the following adjectives:

1) efficient;

2) effective;

3) individual;

4) unique;

5) entitled;

6) flexible;

7) lazy

Ex. 6. Fill in the gaps with one of these words:

Misconception, mix, hurtful, adjust, approach, flexible, lack

1) A good candidate for this job should have the right (…) of business and personal good qualities.

2) The problem of a (…) of qualified staff is very topical for many companies.

3) This article reveals some common (…) concerning young working generation, such as their lack of respect for the authority.

4) Being criticized is very (…) for most people.

5) The managers should (…) their employees differently and individually.

6) Many employers don’t want to offer their staff (…) working hours.

7) The purpose of this article is to (…) the perceptions of the young generation workers with the reality.

Ex. 7. Match the words with their synonyms:

1) roughly a) drawback
2) folk b) group
3) entitlement c) advantage
4) flaw d) approximately
5) cohort e) fulfill
6) coddle f) people
7) accomplish g) right
8) merit h) spoil

Ex. 8. Find the word or expression in the text which means the following:

1) a way of doing something that is shorter or quicker than the usual way (par. 2)
2) to look at various places one after another on the Internet (par. 3)
3) a basic or essential feature that gives smth. its character (par. 2)
4) the process of sending and receiving written messages using a mobile phone (par. 3)
5) to spend a particular amount of time (par. 4)
6) someone who was born during the baby boom after the Second World War (par. 2)
7) evidence based on someone’s personal experience or information rather than on facts that can be checked (par. 7)
8) a situation with both failures and successes (par. 7)
9) people too interested in themselves and not thinking about other people’s feelings and needs (par. 6)
10) a portable media player designed and marketed by Apple (par. 6)
11) an advertisement on television or radio (par. 6)
12) a statement that is not specific but covers a wide range of situations (par. 7)

Ex. 9. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions:

1) Baby boomers were born (…) 1946 and 1964.

2) Young workers have a sense of entitlement (...) an extent.

3) Mike’s parents spoilt him (…) rewarding (…) every little thing.

4) Some people refer (…) this generation of workers as the Net Generation.

5) Unfortunately, this boy has very little respect (…) his teachers.

6) I don’t object to his decision, (…) the contrary, I approve of it!

7) All the people should be judged (…) their merits.

Ex. 10. Give collocations from the text:

1) provide a) networking
2) achieve b) work schedule
3) social c) tasks
4) instant d) trophies and prizes
5) flexible e) the hours at the desk
6) put in f) messaging

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 298 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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