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Countries of the world. 1) Gross National Product – the total value of all goods and services produced in a country in a year

Text I


1) Gross National Product – the total value of all goods and services produced in a country in a year, including income received from money invested in other countries.

2) Students’ own answer.

Ex. 1.

a) – 4); b) – 3); c) – 2); d) – 6); e) – 1); f) – 5)


Ex. 2.

1) The term was coined by Bhutan’s King. It defines prosperity in more holistic terms and measures actual well-being rather than consumption.

2) It measures only the sum total of material production and exchange in any country

3) It could well be the most significant advances in economic theory over the past 150 years.

4) Because production systems and consumption patterns are out of sync with the carrying capacity of the planet.

5) It pertains to the quality of nutrition, housing, education, health care and community life.

6) Wider awareness that that GNP is a misleading measure; a wide range of indices offering a more realistic assessment of material prosperity; growing pressure for an infusion of moral and cultural values into the core of economic policy.

7) Social crises; depression; sales of arms, violence on TV.

8) Moral and ethical values are placed at the core of their economic strategies for ensuring better food, housing and health for the population. They expanded the network of roads and increased the forest cover.

Vocabulary Study

Ex. 3.

1) – g); 2) – e); 3) – f); 4) – c); 5) – a); 6) – b); 7) – d)

Ex. 4.

1) – f); 2) – e); 3) – a); 4) – h); 5) – g); 6) – i); 7) – b); 8) – c); 9) – d)

Ex. 5.

1) commitment; 2) governance; 3) accountability; 4) attainment; 5) manifestation; 6) advancement; 7) prosperity; 8) abundance

Ex. 6.

1) live up to; 2) is out of sync with; 3) flesh it out; 4) at the core

Ex. 7.

1) – with; 2) – in; 3) – at; 4) – to; 5) – in

Ex. 8.

1) – b); 2) – d); 3) – b); 4) – a); 5) – c)

Ex. 9.

1) – c); 2) – e); 3) – d); 4) – f); 5) – a); 6) – b)

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