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All Tenses

Exercise 1.Choose the most suitable time expression.

I. Have you... been to London? 2, (in summer, last year, ever) - To my regret I have... been there (never, last year, just). 2. The students... listen to Professor Brown's lec­tures with interest (ever, always, last week). 3. I was read­ing a book... when you called me up (sometimes, at this ti­me yesterday, often). 4.... I'll have read "The Grass of Oblivion" by V.Katayev (tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, by Saturday). 5.My friend has not read this author... (already, yet, two years ago). 6. The professor has been de­livering the lecture... (2 times, for 30 minutes, now). 7. This young scientist has... made great contribution to world science (already, in 1976, some months ago). 8. A dele­gation of teachers from English colleges will arrive in Moscow... (already, next week, some days ago). 9. A friend of mine graduates from Moscow University… (this year, just, already). 10. I was reading this magazine... (when you came, last month, two weeks ago).

Exercises 2. Use the verbs in brackets in proper tenses.

1. She never (to be) abroad. 2. He (to live) in London some years ago. 3. Jack (to speak) five languages. 4. By the time my parents (to get) back home I (to clean) the house from top to bottom. 5. Be quiet! I (to watch) my favourite program. 6. How long you (to wait) here? 7. When I (to arrive), the party was in full swing. Paul (to dance) with Mary and Pat and Peter (to drink) champagne. 8. She said she already (to send) the telegram. 9. I’m sure they (to do) it tomorrow. 10. They (to have) two daughters and two sons. 11. At 9 o’clock tomorrow he (work) in his office. 12. You ever (to study) a musical instrument? 13. He (to come) in, (to take) off his coat and (to open) the window to air the room. 14. Lisa can’t answer the phone. She (to have) a bath. 15. We (to see) him in a few days. 16. When I came home everybody (to go) to bed. 17. I’m tired. I (to work) all day. 18. This time next week I (to lie) on a beach or (to swim) in the sea. 19. The tourists hope that the tornado (to finish) by the time (to arrive) in California. 20. When she (to get) home yesterday, the children (to sleep) and the dog (to sit) in front of the door.

Part 3

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