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V. Choose the right numeral

1. The musical revolution of rock-and-roll occurred in the late (fifty, fifties, fiftieth).

2. Over two (hundred, hundreds, hundred of) students were present at the meeting.

3. The first room I looked into was (room five, the room five, fifth room).

4. John Kennedy was (the thirty-five president, the thirty-fifth president, the president thirty-fifth) of the USA.

5. This castle was built at the times of Henry (the Fifth, Fifths, Five).

Test 4

I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. Could you tell me when the London train (to arrive).

2. The other day I (to come) across a friend of mine whom I (not to see) for ages.

3. If you (to promise) not to be late, I shall let you go for a walk.

4. He wants to know when the performance (to end).

5. You (to read) today's issue of "The Times?" - Not yet, I am afraid. I'd like to take a look at it.

6. Last May they (to visit) Moscow.

7. What you (think) about now?

8. Phil is happy. He (to find) a new job.

II. Insert the right article.

1. New York... largest city in... USA, is... city of great contrasts.

2.... Statue of Liberty, standing on... island in the harbour, greets everyone who comes to New York by... sea.

3. Every year... great number of big ships from all over... world come up to... docks of New York.

4.... Children lost their way in... forest and did not know whether to go on or to turn back.

5.... Happiness does not make... people selfish.

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