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IV. Open the brackets using the correct form of adjectives

1. My brother is five years (old) than me.

2. The ice-cream is as (delicious) as the cake.

3. My brother runs (fast) than I do.

4. Julia’s idea wasn’t very good. My idea was (good).

5. Iron is (useful) of all metals.

V. Choose the right numeral.

1. We’ve booked the seats for (seventh July, the seventh of July, the seven of July).

2. The bus you need is parked at (lane two, the lane two, lane the two).

3. Fifty one minus twenty three is (twenty-eights, twenty-eighth, twenty-eight).

4. We arrived on September (ten, the ten, the tenth).

5. The ticket agent said that the plane would be boarding at (the gate six, gate six, sixth gate).

Part 4



Образование множественного числа существительных

Обычное образо-вание Слова на -ss,-sh,-as, -ch, -x, -z, -o Слова на -y Слова на -f/-fe Чередование гласной в корне Слова латинского происхождения Единая форма
Dog s, bee s book s, god s, pen s Actress es,bush es, watch es, box es, hero es A baby-bab ies, the sky- sk ies; Но: a d a y – da ys, a b o y- bo ys A wolf – wol ves,a wife – wi ves;искл.:handkerchie fs, roo fs A man- men, a foot-feet, a goose-geese, a mouse-mice, a tooth-teeth Phenomenon- phenomena, nucleus –nuclei, radius-radii, datum-data, formula-formulae Sheep, deer, swine, fruit, fish

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 610 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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