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Indefinite Tenses

Exercise 1.Translate the sentences into Russian and say what tense is used: Present, Past or Future Simple.

1. People speak English all over the world. 2. Every day-he comes to the Institute in the morning. 3. We shall lie-ten to the text in the language laboratory. 4. Ann passed her entrance exams to the Institute with excellent marks. 5. Nick will prepare his lessons in the reading hall. 6. The students of our group take an active part in the work of our English club. 7. Ann was very good at English and always helped her fellow-students. 8. A group of fo­reign students will visit our University next week. 9. She writes a report on the results of our winter term examinations. 10. The first-year students worked at their pronunciation regularly.

Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present, Past or Fu­ture Indefinite Tense.

1. My friend never (to play) basketball. 2. He (to be) here soon. 3. I usually (to cook) meals, and my brother (to wash) dishes. 4. Long ago people (to know) little about far-off lands. 5. The dress (to be) ready tomorrow. 6. I (to know) the result in a day. 7. Where you (to be) yesterday evening? 8. If we (to find) a good story for a play, we (to perform) it in our school theatre. 9. You (to see) the news on television last night? 10. I (not to see) this beautiful city again. 11. Jenny (to leave) school in 1991. 12. I (to find out) all the news, as soon as he (to telephone) me. 13. When he (to come) back? – He (to come) back in twenty minutes. 14. When my brother (to finish) school he (to go) to college.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 497 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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