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The noun

Exercise 1. Make the following nouns plural.

a peach, an echo, a copy, a fox, a camel, the key, a thief, the roof, a mouse, the child, an Englishman, a sheep, the fly, a half, the tooth, a fisherman, an editor-in-chief, a German; datum, maximum, me­dium, nucleus.

Exercise 2. Find the mistakes in the following sentences and correct them.

1. My knowledges in that area are very poor. 2. These are interesting news, aren't they? 3. The police is looking for the criminals who escaped last night. 4. Her childs got ill and her husband lost moneys. 5. Her works are definitely making great progresses. 6. The informations about them were sent to all the police stations of the district.

Exercise 3. Choose the correct variant.

1. Check that the water is/are clean before you drink it. 2. The sugar is/are on the table. 3. The food in your hotel isn’t/aren’t very good. 4. Do you like this/these music? 5. Everybody says that vegetables are/is good for you. 6. This/these hamburgers is/are fantastic. 7. Fruit isn’t/aren’t very expensive in our country.

Exercise 4. Change the number of the noun in italic type where possible and make all other necessary changes.

1. Put the box on the shelf. 2. The boy must have two teeth pulled out. 3. The hunter got a prize for killing the wolf. 4. The child was bitterly crying over the broken toy. 5. The scout brought some valuable information. 6. I saw a mouse in the kitchen. 7. Her hair was soft and curly. 8. The keys to the boxes were lost. 9 The mice live behind the stove.

Exercise 5. Replace these phrases with the prepositions of, by, for by the nouns in a possessive case where possible.

Model: The hobbies of the children – the children’s hobbies

1. A break for five minutes. 2. The crew of a ship. 3. The friends of my children. 4. The farm of Jim McDonald. 5. The novels by Dostoevsky. 6. The house of my father-in-law. 7. The walls of the room. 8. The opinion of the lawyer. 9. The words of the old man we saw an hour ago. 10. The Pilgrimage of Child Harold. 11. The duties of a man. 12. The cover of a box.

Exercise 6. Translate into English

1. Сын моего друга. 2. Сыновья моего друга. 3. Сын моих друзей. 4. Сыновья моих друзей. 5. Книга нашего преподавателя. 6. Книги нашего преподавателя. 7. Книга наших преподавателей. 8. Книги наших преподавателей. 9. Друг моей сестры. 10. Друзья моей сестры. 11. Друг моих родителей. 12. Друзья моих родителей. 13. Ручка этого студента. 14. Ручки этого студента. 15. Рачка этих студентов. 16. Ручки этих студентов. 17. Семья Феликса. 18. Имя врача.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 702 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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