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THE ARTICLE. Exercise 1. Correct the mistakes where necessary

Exercise 1. Correct the mistakes where necessary.

1. Sun is star. 2. Tim lives in small village in country. 3. Moon goes round earth every 27 days. 4. What is highest mountain in world? 5. I’m fed up with doing same thing every day. 6. It was very hot day. It was hottest day of year. 7. I don’t usually have lunch but I always eat good breakfast. 8. If you live in foreign country, you should try and learn language. 9. We missed our train because we were waiting on wrong platform. We were on Platform 3 instead of Platform 8.

Exercise 2. Insert a/an/the where necessary.

In... fifteenth century... people knew only three continents: Europe,... Asia and... Africa. They knew nothing about such... big continent as... America.... man who discovered America was born in 1451 in... Italy. His name was Chris­topher Columbus. He became... sailor at... early age. Know­ing that... earth was round, he decided to reach... India sail­ing to... west. He tried to arrange... expedition, but did not have... money, and nobody wanted to help him. At last... king of... Spain gave him... money for... expedition. He set... sail in 1492.... voyage was very dangerous and difficult. On... 12th of... October his ship reached... land. When they landed, they saw... strange trees and... flowers.... men and... women with... olive-coloured skins gathered around... sailors and looked at them with... great surprise. Columbus was sure that he had discovered... new way to... India. Some time later... other sailor reached... America.... name of... sailor was Amerigo Vespucci. He understood that it was... new continent.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 777 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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