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Delegated Legislation

In order to reduce pressure on parliamentary time, Acts of Parliament often give government ministers or other authorities the power to regulate administrative details by means of ‘delegated’ or secondary legislation. This mostly takes the form of Orders in Council, Regulations and Rules known as Statutory Instruments (SIs). These are as much the law of the land as are Acts of Parliament. SIs are normally drafted by the legal department of the ministry concerned and may be subject, when in draft, to consultations with interested parties. To minimise any risk that delegating powers to the executive might undermine the authority of Parliament, such powers are normally only delegated to authorities directly accountable to Parliament. Parliament always has the right to consider whether the SIs are made in accordance with the powers that that it delegated.

It’s Interesting to Know Pressure groups are organisations which aim to influence Parliament and government in making and implementing new law. They have become much more important in politics in recent years, as many people are no longer involved in the traditional political parties but work instead with single-issue groups. There is a huge range of pressure groups, campaigning on issues including education, the environment, equality for ethnic minorities, health, housing, rural affairs and welfare rights. Along with global campaigns affecting the life of the whole nation, there are also such pressure groups as a “Campaign to Get British People to Walk on the Left” – aimed at getting the British people to walk on the left-hand side of a pavement/escalator/pedestrian area. Here is what they claim: “Why the left? – (1) All cars in the UK drive on the left, so the mentality is already programmed into peoples’ psyche. (2) Londoners already walk on the left on the Underground escalators and tunnels. (3) If everyone walked on the left, we wouldn’t have to suddenly dodge other pedestrians who get in our way. (4) The world would be a more civilized place if we did so!” Some pressure groups work though radical protest; others seek influence in more traditional ways, for example by encouraging people to write to their MPs or petition the government.  

TASK 4. Find in the text above the English equivalents for the following key words and expressions:

  1. государственный служащий
  2. министерство / правительственное ведомство
  3. правительственный декрет
  4. составители парламентских законопроектов
  5. группа, оказывающая влияние на политику, законодательство, общественное мнение
  6. общественные или благотворительные организации
  7. быть подотчетным Парламенту
  8. разослать (распространить) документ
  9. оставлять «белые пятна / лазейки» в законодательстве

TASK 5. Answer the following questions:

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 472 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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