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The Royal Assent

Once both Houses of Parliament have passed a Bill, it has to go to the Queen for the Royal Assent. Had she been living 500 years ago, Queen Elisabeth II would have signed all Bills herself. She would also have gone in person to the House of Lords to announce in French whether she agreed to a Bill (‘La Reyne le veult’) or wished to reject it. (‘Le Reyne s’avisera’). No monarchs since the sixteenth century have signed Bills themselves. Queen Anne, whose reign was notable for the emergence of the two-party political system, in 1707, became the last monarch to reject a Bill, while Queen Victoria was the last to give the Royal Assent in person in 1854.

These days the Queen signs a document which commands certain Lords to inform the members of both houses that the Royal Assent has been given. Though the Queen always knows which Bills she is consenting to, it is unlikely that she reads through the contents of every Bill before giving the Royal Assent because she is aware of the fact that both Houses of Parliament have already considered the Bill very carefully. However, most important Bills are sure to be mentioned in some of her weekly meetings with the Prime Minister.

Once a Bill has received the Royal Assent it becomes an Act of Parliament.

TASK 7. Find in the text above the English equivalents for the following key words and expressions.

  1. «комитет всей палаты», палата, действующая как комитет
  2. постоянный комитет
  3. процесс рассмотрения Билля в комитете
  4. пояснительная записка
  5. входить в состав комитета
  6. отложить принятие законопроекта
  7. иметь конституционное значение
  8. принять / отклонить законопроект
  9. одержать победу при голосовании
  10. отозвать поправку
  11. голосование по первому чтению

TASK 8. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the origin of the term ‘Reading’?
  2. What are the reasons for Bills to be sent to committees?
  3. Under which circumstances can an amendment be withdrawn?
  4. Where is the new legislation initiated?
  5. In what way does the Committee stage in the House of Lords differ from that in the House of Commons?
  6. Why are Lords’ powers over Money Bills restricted?
  7. What is the role of the Royal Assent in making a law?

TASK 9. Read the following text and be ready to retell it.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 630 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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