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Constituents of Precision and Basis Information

There are two types of information every interpreter should distinguish: precision information (PI) and basis information (BI). In its turn PI is subdivided into: numerical PI which includes figures, dates, numerals, etc., and letter PI, which includes proper names, titles, positions, etc.

Precision information is the basis and essence of interpretation, without its precise delivery communication becomes very difficult.

PI in written translation and in translation from the sheet of paper does not cause any difficulty, but in oral interpretation it is the most difficult for remembering and reproduction. This is explained by the fact that it is immaterial. In order to increase the interpretation adequacy in rendering PI one should focus his attention just on precision words and create foundation for his memory by using symbols/signs of interpretation note-making. One more difficulty of PI is in the fact, that it almost always is something new, unknown – after all the variants of combinations of figures and letters are unlimited. PI usually does not subject to any lexical or grammatical transformations; it should be rendered with maximum precision.

Basis information (BI) includes notions, concepts, news and data, well known and easily recognized, understood and remembered in interpretation. BI arouses concrete associations and makes the most important part of erudition (background knowledge) of an interpreter.

As distinct from PI, basis information is something familiar, known and serves as a helper and support in interpretation.

Basis information is divided into:

In letter: familiar and recognized proper names, titles, terms, trade marks;

Numerical: well-known dates, economic and mathematical formulas, indices, and readings, data, etc.

Unlike PI basis information is more subjective and specific: someone knows more in one sphere, someone (interpreter) else – in another, somebody has broader erudition and deeper and so on.

It is necessary in every way to broaden and diversify the volume and quality of BI, aspiring for the new precision information become basis, familiar. This process should go on constantly.

Basis information is obtained from different sources, both in the sphere of main activity (interpretation or another), and outside it, with using different channels (audio, text, visual, etc.) in order to have more diverse information on the tip of your tongue.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 260 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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