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Triad of Interpretation Process

Two-way interpretation is a complicated psycho-linguistic process, where knowing languages (native and foreign), corresponding psychological mood as well as general erudition (background knowledge) merge together. This is the so called triad of interpretation process (тріада усного перекладу):


Language I/II Erudition

All three the most important components (languages, psychology and erudition) have almost the same importance.

Let’s dwell upon these aspects:

• Interpretation is impossible without deep knowledge of foreign and native languages. If the first is absolutely vivid, then the second may raise a question – don’t we know Russian or Ukrainian very well, being the careers of our native language, taking it in with mother’s milk?

Nevertheless practice shows that for successful interpretation it is important to know all nuances, aspects and functional styles, compatibility. It is necessary to approach native language as a foreign one, looking at it as if you are a foreigner, and also one should have a good command of oral speech, possess culture of language and speech.

In training interpretation different “sins and transgressions” come out, and paradoxically, just because of insufficient knowledge of native language, incapability to clearly and shortly express in it one’s thought, because of unsatisfactory managing its functional styles.

Psychological aspect of interpretation means psychological training to overcome nervousness and excitement, typical of stress situations. Everybody knows this condition during exams, interviews, etc. It is important to have control over oneself, to keep oneself in hand. Unfortunately, at exams strong, conscientious, industrious, but “easily lost” students – in condition of stress, manifest the results, which are lower than their possibilities and abilities.

Interpretation is always an exam of professional readiness, possession of skills, and capability of coping with excitement.

Still confidence, experience, good knowledge of skill secrets and “little intricacies” help the interpreter to overcome so much understandable, but useless excitement, when the attention of the audience is focused on you.

Especially powerful psychological pressing takes place in consecutive interpretation, as a simultaneous interpreter stays isolated and invisible to public; he is protected from audience by the walls of the cubicle. The simultaneous interpreter can get concentrated in a better way, nothing distracts him, and he feels more comfortable. Receivers of information get only his voice, sounding in earphones.

Excitement, nervousness, stage fright are familiar to everybody, who speaks in public – actors, radio and TV presenters, political figures, journalists, as well as students, especially badly prepared.

Moderate excitement before appearing in the center of attention is even useful – your attention is mobilized, reaction gets sharpened, all your mental abilities are in the pick. Interpretation is especially difficult type of speech activity and all those who interpret have this excitement, because it includes instant switch, understanding, comprehension, and giving publicity to the information received either in this or that language in succession. Excitement should be limited to the minimum, as it may strongly affect the quality of interpretation.

π-factor consists of the following the most important skills:

a) to have control over oneself, to keep oneself in hand in any circumstances;

b) immediately switch from one language into another, from one topic to another;

c) concentrate your attention, not to distract to secondary outside irritants, focusing on comprehension, processing and giving the information out;

d) to direct excitement to mobilization of all psychological-physiological recourses of your body.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 259 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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