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Specifics and Situations in Interpreting Process

We should always remember three main commandments of the interpreter are as follows:

1. He does not influence the source information of a sender and is not responsible for it, but he has professional, moral and even judicial responsibility for his translation;

2. He never feels panic or gives up in any situation;

3. He is supposed to translate the thoughts, not words.

Objective difficulties of interpretation are caused by the fact, that information is immaterial and exists as sound waves, is not fixed on the career (paper, display, film, diskette, etc.) if compared with written translation or translation from the sheet, when information is material, “tangible” and does not “slip away from the interpreter.

Objective complexity of interpretation is intensified by subjective factors: specificity of general situation and the model of interpretation, peculiarities of a sender’s speech and a recipient of information, as well as by individual professional and psycho-linguistic features of interpreter, other circumstances of objective and subjective character.

The task can be facilitated by:

a) the use of universal translation notes, which makes information material, creating support for memory, data base for analysis and synthesis of the data received;

b) the development and training of operational memory; here one should take into account, that its capacity is limited by objective factors and, unfortunately, diminished with age;

c) elimination of the negative effect of π-factor.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 207 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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