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Read the text and do the exercise that follow it

Before 1917 Belarus used to be a backward province of Russia and the major part of the population was illiterate. There were no higher educational establishments or research institutions on the territory of Belarus. Some research was done by three stations which employed only 12 specialists.

During the early years of the Soviet power Belarusian State University, Vitebsk Veterinary Institute, Gorki Institute of agriculture as well as many secondary vocational schools were founded. By 1932 compulsory primary education was introduced throughout the country. Illiteracy among adults and youth was done away with.

Today the educational establishments train highly qualified personnel for the needs of the national economy. The right of people to universal secondary education is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus. A continuity of study at all stages is being realized in the republic. Teachers and students are free in the choice of educational forms and methods if they correspond to the state educational standards.

Not long ago there appeared new types of educational establishments such as gymnasiya, lyceum, experimental schools, colleges as well as private kindergartens, non-state-owned secondary and higher schools.

Use the text to choose the right variant:

1. Before 1917 most Belarusian people were...

– backward

– illiterate

– happy

2. Compulsory education throughout the country was introduced...

– during 1917

– in early years

– by 1932.

3. Not long ago there appeared new types of educational...

– methods

– standards

– establishments

Text 2. Teachers’ training in Belarus

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 495 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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