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Pre-school and secondary education

According to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus secondary education is compulsory.

The first stage of education system consists of pre-school establishments: the nursery school and the kindergarten.

Secondary education is provided at general secondary (11-year) schools, vocational schools or specialized secondary schools.

School starts at the age of 6.

Ordinary general secondary school is divided into 3 stages: primary school, incomplete secondary school and complete secondary school.

The first 4 years are considered to be primary. The next level is incomplete secondary school (the 5th−9th forms). There are exams following the 9th–11th forms. Upon finishing 9 classes a pupil can go either to a vocational school (where highly-skilled workers are trained) or to a specialized secondary school, known as a technicum (technical, music, medical, teachers’ training, etc).

Every year a pupil studies from 10 to 12 compulsory subjects including mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, foreign languages and other academic subjects. Great emphasis is laid on the all-round development of the individual. Drawing and music classes, handicrafts and physical education play their part in the curriculum. On the completion of their studies at secondary school young people get a school-leaving certificate. It serves as an entry qualification for the young people who seek further education.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 477 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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