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Exercises. 1. Use the text to complete the sentences:

1. Use the text to complete the sentences:

1. School education is provided in ….

2. Compulsory education begins ….

3. Primary education starts from ….

4. Secondary education is provided at ….

5. Pupils take exams after ….

6. Private schools are ….

7. Further education is provided at ….

8. A University consists of ….

2. Decide if the following statements are true or false:

1. School education is provided in 2 stages.

2. Compulsory education begins at 5 when children go to junior school.

3. Comprehensive school provides an all-round education for all children.

4. Parallel to the state schools there are private schools.

5. Further education in Great Britain is not voluntary.

6. The Doctor’s degree is awarded on the results of examinations.

3. Answer the questions on the text:

1. What are the stages of school education in Great Britain?

2. What do children do in primary school?

3. What kind of exam do children take at the end of primary education?

4. What are the two types of secondary education?

5. What educational establishments provide further education?

6. What degrees are students awarded after their study at a University?

Be ready to speak about education in Great Britain. Compare it with education in Belarus. Use the texts as a help to your topic.

Additional texts for reading

Text 1. The history of development

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 421 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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