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Add some more information:

1. The first stage of education takes place in pre-school establishments.

2. Secondary education is provided at general secondary schools, vocational schools, specialized secondary schools and universities.

3. Ordinary general school is divided into 2 stages.

4. Upon finishing 8 classes a pupil can go to a vocational school.

5. Pupils take exams after the 9th−10th forms.

6. Vocational and specialized schools train highly-skilled workers, research workers, teachers and engineers.

7. The applicants for a higher school must have a school-leaving certificate and take entrance exams.

8. All students receive scholarships.

3. Answer the questions on the text:

1. Is secondary education compulsory in our Republic?

2. What does the first stage consist of?

3. When does school start?

4. What is secondary school divided into?

5. What subjects do pupils study in our schools?

6. What kinds of further educational establishments are there in Belarus?

7. What departments are there at higher educational establishments? What department do you study?

Be ready to speak about the system of education in our republic. Use the text as a help to your topic.

Text 2. The system of education in Great Britain

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 395 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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