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Exercises. 1. Use the text to find synonyms for the following words:

1. Use the text to find synonyms for the following words:

a department, to organize seminars, an elementary school, a Pedagogical University, scientific work, grants, correspondence department, the newest.

2. Use the text to complete the sentences:

1. The students have good … for study and rest.

2. The University … 3 large buildings.

3. Graduates who… in research work can take a … course at the University.

4. Oleg always… credit tests and examinations successfully.

5. Students have holidays twice ….

6. In 5 years Oleg … as a teacher of mathematics and information science at school.

3. Use the information from the text to expand the following sentences:

1. It has 8 faculties and 3 departments.

2. The teaching staff consists of 400 professors and teachers.

3. The University has 3 large building in different parts of Mozyr.

4. Students live in 3 modern hostels.

5. Students take an active part in social life of the University.

6. Graduates from the University can take a post-graduate course.

4. Use the text to put 2–3 questions beginning with the words:

– What

– How many

– Who

– Do (Does)

– Is (Are)

– When

5. Use the text to fill in the blanks with prepositions if necessary:

1. … 5 years Oleg will work a teacher … Mathematics and Information science.

2. Students go … the University 6 days … a week.

3. The academic year begins … the 1st of September.

4. Oleg studies … the Day-Time department.

5. After he graduates … the University, he will work … school.

6. Oleg has 3 or 4 periods … a day.

7. The academic year is divided … autumn and spring terms.

8. Students can have a snack … a break.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 1279 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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