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Read the text and do the exercises that follow it. Study the following vocabulary before reading the text:

Study the following vocabulary before reading the text:

not fun any longer – больше не забава

a consumer – потребитель

a department store – универсальный магазин

a supermarket – большой магазин самообслуживания

should – должен‚ следует

When we want to buy something, we go to a shop. In Oleg’s early childhood going shopping was a holiday for him, especially when his Granny took him with her. He knew for sure, he would get a sweet or a bar of chocolate or an ice-cream, all the things he enjoyed greatly.

Recently, shopping is not fun any longer, but his daily duty. As all duties it is tiresome sometimes. He tries to be rational and economical. Once in a TV programme titled “A Consumer’s Basket” he heard some rules of behaviour while shopping and since then he tries to follow them. Here they are. First of all it is necessary to make a shopping list of what we need. Then we should calculate how much our purchases will cost and take this very sum of money with us. The third rule tells that we shouldn’t be hungry while shopping, a hungry person buys the things his or her stomach dictates to buy, not thinking about prices or rational nutrition. And we shouldn’t go shopping immediately after we have got our salary, when we feel impressed by a large sum of money and don’t think it’s for a long month to last, not for a short moment when we feel rich and almighty.

Everyday shopping is rather traditional: some white and brown bread, some milk, butter, sugar, salt, eggs, some sausage of frankfurters. But it’s not necessary to visit different provisional shops such as bakery, grocery or butchery to buy food for some days because we can buy foodstuffs in a supermarket. Different goods are sold under one roof, so customers can save their time having all goods bought at a time.

The method of shopping may vary. In a self-service shop a customer goes from counter to counter selecting and putting into a basket or trolley the goods he wants to buy. It’s absolutely necessary to check the dates before which this or that foodstuff should be used, not to buy something of bad quality. Then a customer takes the basket to the check-out counter where the prices of the purchases are added up. If it’s not a self-service shop the shop-assistant helps the customer in finding and getting what he wants. After paying money to the cashier the customer can get his purchases.

Every day Oleg looks into the fridge to see what he needs. And on his way from the University he drops into the nearest supermarket. Fortunately enough it’s not far from his hostel, and he buys bread and other everyday essentials. Every Saturday evening he examines his kitchen more carefully as Sunday is his shopping day. The shopping list is rather long.

Oleg goes to the supermarket where he can buy different things at once: fish, bread, sausages, flour, tea, sugar, spices, eggs. He goes round it with a basket or trolley getting the food from the shelves. Then he goes to a cash desk and pays money to a cashier. He thinks that a bakery department is among the best in the shop as it has a rich choice of rolls, buns and biscuits. And what is more important they are always fresh and tasty. He has a sweet tooth, so he never misses the confectionery, where he usually buys sweets, candies, chocolate bars, cakes and so on.

Another department of the supermarket, which he has to visit, is a dairy. At the dairy he buys milk, cream, yogurt, cheese, butter and other products. Oleg is a regular customer at the greengrocer’s where potatoes, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, beetroots, oranges, apples and other fruits and vegetables are sold. But frankly speaking in summer he prefers buying fruits, berries and vegetables at the nearest market. They are fresher and cheaper there.

At the butcher’s there’s a wide choice of meat and poultry, such as beef, pork, mutton, chicken and turkey. It’s really a great skill to choose a piece of meat you need, for soup or for chops or shashlyk, so I’m still to learn a lot in this sphere of shopping.

Different cereals, flour, sugar, salt, tea, coffee, different spices can be found at the grocery.

Sometimes, not very often, he has to go to a department store. Any department store is composed of a number of departments where customers can buy everything they like: fabrics and footwear, china and glass, ready-made clothes and cosmetics, toys and electric appliances, furniture and sport goods, cameras and films, and what not. Nowadays some larger department stores contain a supermarket and coffee shops where customers can have a cup of coffee and a sandwich. Goods are displayed in the attractive window displays so even before entering one can see a great amount of goods of high quality ready to meet our tastes and needs. But frankly speaking Oleg’s family and he prefer buying at the market, as it is cheaper there. Very often there is a richer choice of goods there as well.

The shops are becoming more and more European-like. Their halls, shelves, adverts attract more customers. Long queues are little by little disappearing from our life and shopping gets some element of fun and entertainment.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 1034 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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