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Exercises. 1. Answer the questions on the text:

1. Answer the questions on the text:

1. Does Oleg like shopping and why?

2. What are the rules to be rational and economical?

3. What shops does he usually go to?

4. What is the difference between a self-service and non-self-service shop?

5. Where does he put the food while going round the supermarket?

6. What does he buy at a grocery‚ butchery‚ bakery‚ confectionery‚ dairy?

7. Why does he go to a department store?

8. Which method of shopping do you like most of all?

2. Ask your friend:

– if he (she) likes do shopping;

– how often he (she) makes expensive purchases;

– if there is a big choice of goods in the Torgovy Dom store;

– how much a TV-set (a computer‚ shoes‚ smoked meat) costs;

– what he (she) buys on a friend’s birthday;

– what shops there are near his (her) house;

– if the prices are high in the shop near your house;

– what kind of clothes he (she‚ mother‚ father‚ brother‚ sister) prefers: sport or elegant.

3. Name the following by one word:

1. What do we call a person who sells goods (does shopping‚ to whom you pay money)?

2. What do we call a place where you do shopping (pay for your goods‚ try on clothes‚ the goods are displaced)?

3. What do we call the department (shop) where ready-made clothes (shoes‚ face creams‚ milk‚ meat‚ bread‚ vegetables) are sold?

4. Be ready to speak about:

– the shops in your street;

– a self-service shop;

– your usual shopping round;

– at your favourite department.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 547 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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