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Let us change the tense for convenience. The time drifted along — one hour

— two hours — two hours and a half; then the deep booming of artillery told

That the king and his grand procession had arrived at last; so the waiting

Multitude rejoiced. All knew that a further delay must follow, for the king

Must be prepared and robed for the solemn ceremony; but this delay would

Be pleasantly occupied by the assembling of the peers of the realm in their

Stately robes. These were conducted ceremoniously to their seats, and their

Coronets placed conveniently at hand; and meanwhile the multitude in the

Galleries were alive with interest, for most of them were beholding for the first

Time, dukes, earls, and barons, whose names had been historical for five

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Hundred years. When all were finally seated, the spectacle from the galleries

And all coigns of vantage was complete; a gorgeous one to look upon and to


Now the robed and mitered great heads of the church, and their attendants,

Filed in upon the platform and took their appointed places; these were

Followed by the Lord Protector and other great officials, and these again by a

Steel-clad detachment of the Guard.

There was a waiting pause; then, at a signal, a triumphant peal of music burst

Forth, and Tom Canty, dothed in a long robe of cloth-of-gold, appeared at a

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 368 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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