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And sheltered him from a pelting rain of cuffs and slaps by interposing her

Own person.

The frightened girls retreated to their corner; but the grandmother stepped

Eagerly forward to assist her son. The prince sprang away from Mrs. Canty,


'Thou shalt not suffer for me, madam. Let these swine do their will upon me


This speech infuriated the swine to such a degree that they set about their

Work without waste of time. Between them they belabored the boy right

Soundly, and then gave the girls and their mother a beating for showing

Sympathy for the victim.

'Now,' said Canty, 'to bed, all of ye. The entertainment has tired me.'

The light was put out, and the family retired. As soon as the snorings of the

Head of the house and his mother showed that they were asleep, the young

Girls crept to where the prince lay, and covered him tenderly from the cold

With straw and rags; and their mother crept to him also, and stroked his hair,

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And cried over him, whispering broken words of comfort and compassion in

his ear the while. She had saved a morsel for him to eat also; but the boy's

Pains had swept away all appetite — at least for black and tasteless crusts. He

Was touched by her brave and costly defense of him, and by her

Commiseration; and he thanked her in very noble and princely words, and

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 235 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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