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Exercise 24 Read and translate two claims and answers to them. Identify the reason for complaint is each case

Letter 1

Dear Mr Jackson,

When unpacking your cases with the equipment we experience difficulties owing to the cases being too low. The space between the top of the cases and the top of the equipment is too small and as a result some pieces of equipment are getting damages on the top.

We suggest therefore that you should make the cases with one board of about 20 cm higher, which would enable us to unpack the cases without damaging the cars.

We are looking forward to your answer.

Yours sincerely,

Letter 2

Dear Sirs,

We have received your letter of the 15th May and are sorry to hear you are experiencing difficulties in unpacking cases owing to the insufficient height of them.

We have contacted the manufacturing plant and arranged for the cases to be made about 20 cm higher as suggested by you.

We thank you for bringing the matter to our attention and feel sure that in future the cases will not cause your any trouble.

Yours faithfully,

Letter 3

Dear Mr.Pavlov

Special Cluster Drilling Machine, Order No 19086

We regret to inform you that our Clients have experienced serious trouble with the above machine.

After a short period of operation the teeth of two bevel gears and one wheel were crushed and the second wheel was broken.

We enclose 4 photos illustrating these defects. As the machine was brought to a standstill due to this damage, our Clients were compelled to manufacture replacement parts in order to prevent delay in production.

We enclose a statement showing the expenses incurred by our Clients in manufacturing one bevel gear with shaft, another bevel gear and two wheels as well as the cost of dismantling the machine, assembling and fitting the new parts. The expenses of our Clients amount to … and we shall be glad to receive your remittance of this amount in due course.

Yours sincerely I.Denisov


Letter 4

Dear Miss Smith

Special Cluster Drilling Machine to Order No.19086

In reply to your letter of the … we regret to see that there has been some trouble with the gears mentioned.

We are glad your Clients have manufactured the replacement parts and quite appreciate their having done this in order to prevent production delays.

We are also quite agreeable to recompense you for the cost of this work, but we must say that your figures appear to be high.

In the circumstances, would you be good enough to review your costs again, and advise us what reduction you can make in the sum to be credited to your account.

Yours sincerely F.J. Parson

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