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B) Choose three situations from a) and compose orders for them

Exercise 23 a) Read and translate the dialogue ‘Discussing the order’.

Brandon: Good afternoon, Mr. Salivan!

Salivan: Good afternoon, Mr. Brandon! How are you getting on?

B: Fine, thanks! And what about you?

S: Not so bad, thank you. Well, let’s speak to the point. As you know we are extending our business and we want to buy your equipment for producing some goods in Ukraine. To tell the truth we are interested in the work with you company. We know that your company produces the sort of equipment we need. It provides advanced technology and efficient service.

B: Dear, Mr. Salivan! Our new equipment is the best choice for your company! If you buy our equipment we’ll visit your factory and study your requirements. We have worked hard and we have achieved some success. Now our equipment corresponds to the highest technical level and the highest standards existing in the world today.

S: How long is the guarantee period for your equipment?

B: It was about 12 month, but now the service life of our equipment has been increased.

S: Really? I’m very pleased to hear it. How long will it take you to deliver two sets of this equipment to Kharkov?

B: I think about two weeks, not more.

S: And to put it into operation?

B: Two or three days depending on the model.

S: Is it possible to arrange training for our operators in your training centers?

B: There is no need in training centers. Our equipment is fully computerized. It’s easy for even inexperienced personnel to operate it. And of course we provide technical support for all our equipment. And don’t worry! It’s easy to adapt our equipment to your conditions.

S: Thank you for this information.

B: You are welcome. Goodbye.

S: Goodbye.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 402 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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