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Exercise 10 Here are some suggestions for sentences which you might include in a routine enquiry. Read and translate them

Opening lines:

1. Many thanks for your enquiry of …

2. We thank you for your letter of …, in which you enquire about …

3. In reply to your enquiry of … we are enclosing …

4. We thank you for your letter of …, and have sent you today, by separate post …

Prices and terms

1. Our prices are quoted f.o.b. Liverpool.

2. Freight and packing cases are included in the price.

3. Prices are subject to variation without notice, in accordance with market fluctuations.

4. Our terms are cash on delivery.

5. Our terms are 33% discount to approved accounts, with 3% for settlement within 15 days of date of invoice.

Supply and demand

1. In view of the heavy demand for this line, we advise you to order at once.

2. Owing to the increased demand for this type of car, our stocks have run very low.

3. As we have a good supply of these machines we can effect shipment within 5 days.

4. We can offer you a wide selection of sizes and types from stock.

5. We cannot promise delivery before … unless your order reaches us within 7 days.

Concluding sentences

1. We should appreciate the opportunity of showing you how efficiently we can serve you.

2. We are sure that these goods will meet your requirements, and we look forward to your first order.

3. We look forward to the pleasure of serving you.

4. If you think our offer meets your requirements, please let us have your order at an early date, as supplies are limited.

5. As we execute all orders in strict rotation, we strongly advise you to order early.

Exercise 11 Are these offers solicited or unsolicited?

solicited offer – затребувана пропозиція (відповідь на запит) unsolicited offer – пропозиція за власною ініциативою

1. I thank you for your letter dated 10th April concerning … 2. We have been given your address by … 3. As one of the leading manufacturers of earthenware pots in Spain we would like to offer you … 4. In your enquiry you stated that you are looking for … 5. We are glad to hear that our catalogue was of interest to you. 6. The Chamber of Commerce informed us that you are an importer of …

Exercise 12 Can you match the two columns?

1. Type of goods A. Cash on delivery

2. Quantity B. CIF Dover

3. Prices C. 800 units

4. Discounts D. 2 weeks after receipt of order

5. Terms of delivery E. 5% off orders placed within the next 7 days

6. Terms of payment F. seaworthy containers

7. Delivery time G. wooden kitchen chairs

8. Packing H. $50 per unit

Exercise 13 These sellers had to make non-binding offers. Choose the reason for each situation:

‘The offer is subject to being unsold.’

‘The offer is subject to availability.’

‘The prices are subject to change without notice.’

‘The offer is subject to a good harvest.’

‘The offer is subject to final confirmation.’

1. Mr.Farmer made an offer for 100 bales of hay. However, at the time he made his offer, the poor weather conditions were making all farmers nervous. 2. Mr.Vinter produces a limited number of quality wines. He does not produce enough of these wines to supply everybody who asks, and so has to include an appropriate clause when making offers.
3. Mr.Kitchener’s company exports fridges and freezers. At present he is having problems with his supplier, and he can’t guarantee until the very last minute that the goods will be dispatched on time. 4. The Boston Tea Company imports tea from India and sells it to American retailers. However, increasing labour costs and a poor harvest means that the price of tea is rising rapidly. 5. Mr. Keeper imports exotic animals such as snakes and monkeys for pet shops. Naturally it isn’t always easy to obtain these animals just when they are wanted.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 450 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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