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Exercise 1 Read three letters paying attention at their sections

Letter 1

Sender’s address Bredgade 51 DK 1260, Copenhagen K, Denmark
Date 6th May 2011
Inside address (Receiver’s address) Soundsonic Ltd., Warwick House, Warwick Street, Forest Hill, London SE23 1JF United Kingdom
Attention line For the attention of the Sales Manager
Salutation Dear Sir or Madam,
Body of the letter Please would you send me details of your quadraphonic sound systems which were advertised in the April edition of Sound Monthly? I am particularly interested in the Omega range of equipment that you specialize in.
Complimentary close Yours faithfully,
Signature B.Kaasen

Letter 2

Letterhead Soundsonic Ltd. Warwick House, Warwich Street, Forest Hill, London SE23 1JF Chairman John Franks O.B.E. Directors S.B.Allen M.Sc., N.Ignot, R.Lichens Telephone (081)5661861 Fax: (081)5661385
References Your ref: 6 May 2011-06-30 Our ref: DS/MR
  11th May 2011-06-30 Ms B.Kaasen Bredgade 51 DK 1260 Copenhagen K Denmark Dear Ms Kaasen, Thank you very much for your enquiry which we received today. I am enclosing our catalogue and price-list for the equipment you said you were interested in. I would like to draw your attention to pages 31-35 in the catalogue where you will find full details of the Omega range. We would welcome any further enquiries you have, and look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Mary Raynov (Ms)
Per pro p.p. D.Sampson
Company position Sales manager
Enclosure Enc.

Letter 3

  Soundsonic Ltd. Warwick House, Warwich Street, Forest Hill, London SE23 1JF Chairman John Franks O.B.E. Directors S.B.Allen M.Sc., N.Ignot, R.Lichens B.A. Telephone (081)5661861 Fax: (081)5661385 Your ref: Our ref: DS/MR Date: 21st July 2011 Ms B.Kaasen Bredgade 51 DK 1260 Copenhagen K Denmark
Private and confidential Private and confidential
Subject title Non-payment of invoice 322/17
  I am sorry to see that, despite several reminders, you have not yet paid the above-mentioned invoice. Unless, therefore, the account is cleared within 14 days of the above date, I shall have no alternative but to place the matter in the hands of our solicitors. Yours sincerely, Mary Raynov (Ms) p.p. D.Sampson Sales manager
Copies c.c. Messrs. Poole & Jackson Ltd., Solicitors

Примітка 1 Дата може бути указана так: 13, 2010, або 13th July 2010, або July 13th 2010. Місяць у даті не треба позначати цифрою, напр. 11.01.13 означає 11 січня 2013 року у Великій Британії, але 1 листопада 2013 року у США.

Примітка 2 Літери у посилання відповідають ініціалам автора, та людини, що підготувала цей лист.

Примітка 3 Якщо ім’я та прізвище адресата відомі, вони вказуються перед внутрішнім адресом так: Mr.J.E.Smith або Mr.John Smith, але НЕ Mr.Smith.

Існують такі форми звернення: Mr (до чоловіка), Mrs (до заміжньої жінки), Miss (при звертанні до незаміжньої жінки), Ms (при звертанні до заміжньої або незаміжньої жінки), Messrs (до двох або більше чоловіків). Адресувати лист можна на ім’я адресата, його посаду, або на ім’я фірми.

Примітка 4 Якщо ім’я та прізвище адресата невідомі, можна звертатися так: Dear Sir (Sirs, Madam, Sir or Madam, Gentlemen).

Примітка 5 Complimentary close залежить від звернення:

Title Complimentary close
Mr/Mrs/Miss/Dr/Professor/Gerenal Smith Yours sincerely
Sir / Madam Yours faithfully

Exercise 2 a) Nowadays it is very popular to use e-mail letters in business relations. This type of correspondence has its own rules, and every businessman should be familiar with them. Read the tips for writing effective emails:

1. Use a short and clear subject line.

2. Use short and simple sentences.

3. Include just one main subject per email – the other person can reply and delete it.

4. Don’t use jokes, personal comments, etc, in business emails.

5. Consider using numbered points instead of continuous text.

6. End with an action point.

7. Don’t ignore capital letters, spelling and basic grammar – when writing to people outside the company – a careless email creates a bad impression.

8. Tailor your email to the reader: level of formality, buzzwords, etc.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 693 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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