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Chapter 4. Modal auxiliaries: introduction



Can a) I can speak English Could b) He couldn’t come to class May c) It may rain tomorrow Might d) It might rain tomorrow Should e) Mary should study harder Had better f) I had better study tonight Must g) John must see the doctor today Will h) I will be in class tomorrow Would i) Would you please close the door? Can, could, may, might, should, had better, must, will and would are followed by the simple form of the verb. They are not followed by to: CORRECT: I can speak English INCORRECT: I can to speak English
Have to j) I have to study tonight Ought to k) You ought to study hard Have, ought are followed by an infinitive (to + the simple form of the verb)

Exercise 1: add to where necessary.

1. I have ______ go downtown tomorrow.

2. Tom can ______ play soccer.

3. Could you please ______ open the windows?

4. The students must ______ learn all of irregular verbs.

5. Sally has _____ do her homework tonight.

6. I think you should ________ take better care of your health.

7. I ought _____ go to the post office this afternoon.

8. Would you ______ speak more slowly please?

9. We may _____ go on a picnic tomorrow.

10. Tom and I might _______ go to the zoo tomorrow.

11. You had better _______ see a doctor.

12. We can _______ go shopping tomorrow.

13. The students have ______ take a test next Friday.

14. I have got ______ go to the post office this afternoon.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 607 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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