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Exercise 3:Practice using contractions with will

NOTE: Will is usually contracted with pronouns (I, she, etc.) in both speech and informal writing.

Will is usually contracted with nouns (Bob, my friend, etc.) in speech but usually not in writing.

1. (I will) I’ll be home at eight tonight.

2. (we will) ____________ see you tomorrow.

3. (you will) ___________ probably get a letter today.

4. (she will) Mary is tired tonight. ________ probably have an early night.

5. (he will) _________ Dennis is cold. _______ probably stay home in bed today.

6. (it will) _________ probably be too cold to go swimming tomorrow.

7. (they will) I invited some guests for dinner. ______ probably get here around seven.

Exercise 4: Study the examples. Complete the sentences. Use a pronoun + will/won’t. Use probably.

a) Ann will probably goto the park tomorrow. b) Bob probably won’t goto the park tomorrow. People often use probablywith will. Probablycomes between willand the main verb, as in (a): or in front of won’t,as in (b).

1. I went to the library last night, and I’ll probably go there tonight.

2. Ann didn’t come to class today, and she probably won’t come tomorrow either.

3. I watched TV last night, and I __________ TV tonight too.

4. I wasn’t at home last night, and I __________ at home tonight either.

5. Bob went to bed early last night, and he _________ to bed early tonight too.

6. Jack didn’t hand his homework in today, and he _________ it in tomorrow either.

7. It’s hot today, and it __________hot tomorrow too.

8. My friend didn’t come over last night, and he ________ over tonight either.

9. The students had a quiz today, and they _________ one tomorrow too.

10. Ann didn’t ride her bike to school today, and she __________ it to school tomorrow either.


a) Before I goto class tomorrow, I’m going to eat breakfast. b) I’m going to eat dinner at 6:00 tonight. After I eatdinner, I’m going to study in my room. c) I’ll give Mary your message when I seeher tomorrow. d) It’s raining right now. As soon as the rain stopsI’ll go downtown. The simple present is used in a future time clause. Be going toand willare not used in a future time clause. Before After+ subject and verb = a time Whenclause As soon as In (a): The speaker is talking about two events: going to class and eating breakfast. Both events are in the future. However, the speaker uses the simple present to talk about going to class because the verb occurs in a time clause.    
e) Maybe it will rain tomorrow. If it rainstomorrow I’m going (I’ll) stay home.   When the meaning is future the simple present is used in an “if-clause’.

Exercise 5: Combine the ideas of the two sentences into one sentence by using a time clause. Use the word in brackets to introduce the time clause.

1. (after) First: I’m going to finish my homework.

Then: I’m going to go to bed.

After I finish my homework I’m going to go to bed.

2. (before) First: I’m going to write a letter.

Then: I’m going to go to bed.

3. (when) First: I’m going to go to Chicago next week.

Then: I’m going to visit the art museum.

4. (after) First: I’ll go to the drug store.

Then: I’ll go to the post office.

5. (before) First: Ann will finish her homework.

Then: She will watch TV tonight.

6. (after) First: Jim will get home this evening.

Then: He’s going to read a newspaper.

7. (when) First: I’ll call John tomorrow.

Then: I’ll ask him to my party.

8. (as soon as) First: The rain will stop.

Then: The children are going to go outside and play.

9. (before) First: The Robertsons will get some travelers’ checks.

Then: They will leave on vacation.

10. (as soon as) First: I will get home tonight.

Then: I’m going to take a hot bath.

Exercise 6– Oral: Complete the following sentences with your own words.

1. I’m going to eat dinner before I ………………

2. As soon as I get home tonight ………………..

3. I’m going to call my friend after I ………………

4. My life will be easy after I ……………………

5. Before I go to bed tonight I ………………….

6. When I’m in Florida next time I ……………….

7. I’ll call you as soon as I ………………………

8. I’m going to visit my aunt and uncle when ………………..

Exercise 7: Combine the ideas of the two sentences into one sentence by using an “if-clause”.

1. Possible condition: Maybe it will rain tomorrow.

Result: I’m going to stay home.

If it rains tomorrow I’ll stay home.

2. Possible condition: Maybe it’ll be hot tomorrow.

Result: I’m going to go swimming.

3. Possible condition: Maybe it’ll snow tomorrow.

Result: Ally isn’t going to ride her bike to school.

4. Possible condition: Maybe I’ll have enough money.

Result: I’m going to go to Hawaii for my vacation.

5. Possible condition: Maybe Tom will have enough time.

Result: He’ll finish his composition tonight.

6. Possible condition: Maybe I won’t get a letter tomorrow.

Result: I’ll call my parents.

7. Possible condition: Perhaps the weather will be nice tomorrow.

Result: We’re going to go on a picnic.

8. Possible condition: Maybe Tom won’t study for the test.

Result: He’ll get a bad grade.

9. Possible condition: Maybe I won’t study tonight.

Result: I probably won’t pass the chemistry exam.

10. Possible condition: Maybe I’ll study for the test.

Result: I’ll probably get a good grade.

Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2014-12-25; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 515 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

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