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Exercise 8 – Oral.Make sentences from the given possibilities. Use if

1. Maybe it will be nice tomorrow.

2. Maybe it will be hot/cold tomorrow.

3. Maybe it won’t be nice tomorrow.

4. Maybe it’ll rain tomorrow.

5. Maybe it won’t rain tomorrow.

6. Maybe you’ll be tired tonight.

7. Maybe you won’t be tired tonight.

8. Maybe you’ll have enough time tomorrow.

9. Maybe you won’t feel good tomorrow.

10. Maybe you’ll have some free time tomorrow.

11. Maybe you’ll go downtown tomorrow.

12. Maybe you’ll be hungry after class.

Exercise 9: Review of time clauses and “if-clauses”. Complete the sentences by using a form of the words in brackets. Read carefully for time expressions.

1. a) Before Tom (go) to bed he always (brush) his teeth.

b) Before Tom (go) to bed later tonight he (write) a letter to his girlfriend.

c) Before Tom (go) to bed last night he (take) a shower.

d) While Tom (take) a shower last night the phone (ring).

e) As soon as the phone (ring) last night Tom (jump) out of the shower to answer it.

f) As soon as Tom (get) up tomorrow morning he (brush) his teeth.

g) Tom always (brush) his teeth as soon as he (get) up.

2. a) After I (get) home from school every afternoon I usually (drink) a cup of


b) After I (get) home from school tomorrow afternoon I (drink) a cup of tea.

c) After I (get) home from school yesterday I (drink) a cup of tea.

d) While I (drink) a cup of tea yesterday afternoon my neighbor (come)

over, so I (offer) her a cup of tea too.

e) My neighbor (drop) over again tomorrow. When she (come) I (make) a

cup of tea for her.

3. Jane (meet) me at the airport when my plane (arrive) tomorrow.

4. If I (see) Mike tomorrow I (tell) him about the party.

5. I go to New York often. When I (be) in New York I usually see a Broadway play.

6. When I (be) in New York next week I (stay) at the Park Plaza Hotel.

7. Jack (watch) a football game on TV right now. As soon as the game (be) over he (mow) the grass in the back yard.

8. Cindy and I (go) to the beach tomorrow if the weather (be) warm and nice.

9. As soon as the test (be) over in class yesterday the students (leave) the room.

10. As soon as I (get) home every day my children always (run) to the door to meet me.

Exercise 10: Study the examples. Complete the sentences by using a form of the words in brackets.

a) Jim makes his bed and cleansup the room every morning. Often a subject has two verbs which are connected by and.This is called parallel structure: V + and + V makes and cleans
b) Ann is cookingdinner andtalking on the phone at the same time. c) I will stayhome andstudy tonight. d)I am going to stayhome.   It is not necessary to repeat a helping verb (an auxiliary verb) when two verbs are connected by and.

1. When I (walk) into the living room yesterday evening Grandpa (read) a newspaper and (smoke) his pipe.

2. Helen will graduate next semester. She (move) to New York City and (look) for a job after she (graduate).

3. Every day my neighbor (call) me on the phone and (complain) about the weather.

4. Look at Ann! She (cry) and (laugh) at the same time. I wonder if she is happy or sad.

5. I’m beat! I can’t wait to get home. After I (get) home I (take) a hot shower and (go) straight to bed.

6. Yesterday my dog (dig) a hole in the back yard and (bury) his bone.

7. I’m tired of this cold weather. As soon as spring (come) I (play) tennis and (jog) in the park as often as possible.

Exercise 11: Complete the sentences by using a form of the words in brackets.

1. It’s getting late, but before I (go) to bed I (finish) my homework and (write) a couple of letters.

2. While I (make) dinner last night, some grease (spill) out of the frying pan and (catch) on fire. When the smoke detector on the ceiling (start) to buzz, my roommate (run) into the kitchen to find out what was wrong. He (think) that the house was on fire!

3. Mark is a nut about video games. He (play) video games morning, noon and night. Sometimes he (cut) class because he (prefer) to play the games. Right now, he (do, not) very well in school. If he (study, not) harder and (go) to class every day, he (flunk) out of school.

4. Sometimes my daughter Susie has temper tantrums. She (cry) and (stomp) her feet when she (get) angry. Yesterday when she (get) angry, she (pick) up a toy car and (throw) it at her little brother. Luckily, the car (hit, not) him. Afterwards, Susie (feel) very bad. She (apologize) to her little brother and (kiss) him.

5. It’s October now. The weather (begin) to get cold. It (begin) to get cold every October. I (like, not) winter, but I (think) autumn is beautiful. In a couple of weeks, me friend and I (take) a weekend trip to the country if the weather (be) nice. We (drive) through the river valley and (enjoy) the colors of fall.


a) Don is going to cometo the party tomorrow night. b) Don is comingto the party tomorrow night. Sometimes the present progressive is used to express future time (a and b have the same meaning). The present progressive is used to express future time when the sentence concerns a definite plan, a definite intention, a definite future activity. Verbs such as come, go, stay, arrive, leaveare frequently used in the present progressive to express future time. Such verbs express definite plans.  
c) A: You shouldn’t buy that used car. It’s in terrible condition. It costs too much. You don’t have enough money. You’ll have to get insurance and you can’t afford the insurance. Buying that used car is a crazy idea. B: I am buyingthat used car tomorrow morning! Nobody – not you, not my mother, not my father – can stop me. I’m buyingthat car, and that’s it! I don’t want to talk about it anymore. A: Oh, well, it’s your money. Verbs expressing planned means of transportation in the future are frequently used in the present progressive: for example, fly, walk, ride, drive, take(a bus, a taxi, etc.) Sometimes a speaker will use the present progressive when he or she wants to make a very strong statement about a future activity.

Exercise 12. Practice using the present progressive to express future time by completing the dialogues. Use the words in the list or your own words.

call make

come meet

drive stay

fly take


1. A: What are you doing tomorrow afternoon?

B: I am going downtown. I’m going shopping. How about you? What are you doing tomorrow afternoon?

A: I ________ to a movie with Tom. After the movie we __________ out to

dinner. Would you like to come with us?

B: No thanks. I can’t. I ________ Alice at 6:30 at the new seafood restaurant on

Fifth Street.

2. A: I ________ on vacation tomorrow.

B: Where ________ you _________?

A: To San Francisco.

B: How are you getting there? ________ you ______________or _________ your car?

A: I __________. I have to be at the airport by 7 tomorrow morning.

B: Do you need a ride to the airport?

A: No thanks. I _______ a taxi. Are you planning to go someplace over vacation?

B: No. I _______ here.

3. A: What courses _________ you ___________ this semester?

B: I ________ English, biology, maths, and psychology.

A: What courses ______ you ________ next semester?

B: I ________ English literature, chemistry, calculus and history.

4. A: My sister and her husband __________ over to my house for dinner tomorrow night. It’s my sister’s birthday so I _______ a special birthday dinner for her. I__________ her favorite food: roast beef and mashed potatoes.

B: ________ anyone else _______ over for the birthday dinner?

A: Yes, Dick and Ann Walker.

5. A: I think I will call a doctor. You have a fever, chills, and a stomach-ache.

B: No, don’t call the doctor. I’ll be okay.

A: I’m worried. I _______ the doctor! And that’s it!

Exercise 13. Complete the sentences with prepositions.

1. I borrowed this dictionary _______ Pedro.

2. Could you please help me ________ these heavy suitcases?

3. Sue, I’d like to introduce you ______ Ed Jones.

4. You shouldn’t stare _____ other people. It’s not polite.

5. Marco Polo traveled ________ China in the 13th century.

6. Do you believe ______ ghosts?

7. Are you laughing _______ my mistake?

8. I admire my father _______ his honesty and intelligence.

9. I argued _______ Jack _______ politics.

10. I discussed my educational plans _________ my parents.

11. I applied _______ the University of Virginia. I applied _______ admission to the University of Virginia.

12. Jack applied _________ a job at the automobile factory.

Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2014-12-25; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 1659 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

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