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Present time

Below is an example of a possible conversation:

Exercise 1 – Oral:

A: Hi. My name is Mike

B: Hi. My name is Victor. I’m glad to meet you.

M: I’m glad to meet you, too. Where are you from?

V: I’m from NN. Where are you from?

M: I’m from Kstovo.

V: Where are you living now?

M: On Gagarin Avenue in an apartment. And you?

V: I’m living in a dorm.

M: What is your field of study?

V: Radiophysics. After I study English I’m going to attend the post-graduate courses and work on my PhD. How about you? What’s your major?

M: Chemistry.

V: What do you like to do in your free time? Do you have any hobbies?

M: I like to swim. How about you?

V: I read a lot and I collect stamps from all over the world.

M: Really? Would you like some stamps from Kstovo?

V: Sure! That would be great. Thanks.

M: I have to write your full name on the board when I introduce you to the class. How do you say your name is?

V: My first name is Victor. My last name is Petrov.

M: That’s OK. Thank you.


a) I take a shower every day. b) Ann usually eatslunch in the cafeteria. c) The sun shines. d) The earth revolvesaround the sun. The simple present expresses daily habits or usual activities. The simple present expresses general statements of fact. Basically the simple present is used for events or situations that exist always, usually, habitually in the past, present and future.
e) Bob can’t come to the phone right nowbecause he is takinga shower. f) It’s noon. Ann is eatinglunch in the cafeteria right now. g) It’s a nice day today.The sun is shining. The present progressive expresses an activity that is in progress, is happening right now. The event is in progress at the time the speaker is saying the sentence.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences by using the words in brackets. Use the Simple Present or the Present Progressive.

1. Shhh. The baby (sleep). The baby (sleep) for ten hours every night.

2. Right now I’m in class. I (sit) at my desk. I usually (sit) at the same desk in class every day.

3. Vera (speak) Russian. Russian is her native language, but right now she (speak) English.

4. Our teacher (stand up, not) right now. He (sit) on the corner of his desk.

5. It’s 6:00 p.m. Mary is at home. She (eat) dinner. She always (eat) dinner with her family around six o’clock.

6. Alice (take, not) the bus to school every day. She usually (walk) instead.

7. It (rain, not) right now. The sun (shine).

8. It’s 7:30 a.m. and the Wilsons are in their kitchen. Mrs. Wilson (sit) at the breakfast table. She (read) the morning paper. She (read) the newspaper every morning. Mr. Wilson (pour) a cup of coffee. He (drink) two cups of coffee every morning before he goes to work. There is a cartoon on TV, but the children (watch, not) it. They (play) with their toys instead. They usually (watch) cartoons in the morning, but this morning they (pay, not) any attention to the TV. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson (watch, not) the TV either. They (like, not) to watch cartoons.

Exercise 3. Describe your daily activities by making sentences with frequency adverbs

Frequency adverbs:

100% always




seldom, rarely

0% never

1. eat breakfast 10. come to class

2. drink coffee in the morning 11. get to class on time

3. drink tea in the morning 12. walk to school

4. drink orange juice in the morning 13. take a bus to school

5. drink tomato juice in the morning 14. take a taxi to school

6. drink milk in the morning 15. drive to school

7. put sugar in your coffee 16. ride a bike to school

8. have a sandwich for lunch 17. watch TV in the evening

9. eat dinner around six o’clock 18. study at the library

Exercise 4. Practice using the Simple Present. Speak on your daily activities beginning with the time you get up until the time you go to bed.

Example: from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

S1. What time do you usually get up?

S2. I get up at 7.

S1. Always?

S2. Usually. I put on my clothes (get dressed). I eat breakfast.

S1. Do you always eat breakfast?

S2. Yes.

S1. What do you usually have for breakfast?

S2. Bread and cheese and coffee. Sometimes I have an egg (hard-boiled, soft-boiled, poached).

S1. Do you ever have cereals for breakfast?

S2. No, I don’t.


a) I heara bird. It is singing. b) I’m hungry. I wanta sandwich. Some verbs are not used in the present progressive. CORRECT: I hear a bird (right now) INCORRECT: I’m hearing a bird.
NONPROGRESSIVE VERBS   be hear prefer believe know see belong like think (meaning believe) hate love understand have (meaning possess) need want

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use the Simple Present or the Present Progressive.

1. Right now Vladimir (read) an article in the newspaper, but he (understand, not) it. Some of the vocabulary (be) too difficult for him.

2. Right now I (look) at the board. I (see) some words on the board.

3. I (need) to call my parents today and tell them about my new apartment. They can’t call me because they (know, not) my new telephone number.

4. This tea is good. I (like) it. What kind is it? I (prefer) tea to coffee. How about you?

5. Sam is at the library. He (sit) at a table. He (write) a composition. He (use) a dictionary to look up the spelling of some words. The dictionary (belong, not) to him. It (belong) to his roommate. Sam (look) up words in the dictionary because he (want) to make sure that he doesn’t misspell any words.

6. Right now the children are at the beach. They (have) a good time. They (have) a beach ball, and they (play) catch with it. The (like) to play catch. Their parents (sunbathe). They (try) to get a tan. They (listen) to some music on a transistor radio. They also (hear) the sound of sea gulls and the sound of the waves.

7. Right now I (think) about sea gulls and waves.

8. I (think) that sea gulls are beautiful birds.

Exercise 6. Complete the following dialogues by using the words in brackets. Also give short answers to the questions as necessary. Use the Simple Present or the Present Progressive.

1. A: (Mary, have) a bicycle? Does Mary have a bicycle?

B: Yes, she does. She has a ten-speed bike.

2. A: (it, rain) right now?

B: No, it ….. At least, I (think, not) so.

3. A: (you, like) sour oranges?

B: No, I ….. I (like) sweet ones.

4. A: (your, friends, write) a lot of letters?

B: Yes, they ……. I (get) lots of letters all the time.

5. A: (the students, take) a test in class right now?

B: No, they ….. They (do) an exercise.

6. A: You, know) Tom Adams?

B: No, I ….. I’ve never met him.

7. A: (your desk, have) any drawers?

B: Yes, it ….. It (have) six drawers.

8. A: (Jean, study) at the library this evening?

B: No, she …. She (be) at the student union. She (play) pool with her boyfriend.

A: (Jean, play) pool every evening?

B: No, she …. She usually (study) at the library.

A: (she, be) a good pool player?

B: Yes, she …. She (play) pool a lot.

A: (you, know) how to play pool?

B: Yes, I …. But I (be, not) very good.

Exercise 7. Complete the sentences by using the words in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Progressive.

1. A: Where are the children?

B: In the living room.

A: What are they doing? (they, watch) TV?

B: No, they ….. They (play) a game.

2. A: Shhhh. I (hear) a noise. (you, hear) it too?

B: Yes, I …. I wonder what it is.

3. A: My sister (have) a new car. She bought it last week.

B: (you, have) a car?

A: No, I …. Do you?

B: No, but I have a ten-speed bike.

4. A: Shhhh.

B: Why? (the baby, sleep)?

A: Yes, she (take) her afternoon nap.

B: Okay, I’ll talk softly. I (want, not) to wake her up.

5. A: Ron, (be) this your hat?

B: No, it …. It (belong, not) to me. Maybe it (belong) to Howard. Why don’t you ask him about it?

A: Okay.

6. A: Johnny, (you, listen) to me?

B: Of course I am, Mom. You (want) me to take out the garbage. Right?

A: Right! And right now!

7. A: What (you, think) about every night before you fall asleep?

B: I (think) about all of the pleasant things that happened during the day. I (think, not) about my problems.

8. A: A penny for your thoughts!

B: Huh?

A: What (you, think) about right now?

B: I (think) about English Grammar. I (think, not) about anything else.

A: I (believe, not) you!

B: But it’s true.

Exercise 8. Prepositions: Complete the sentences with prepositions.

1. Mr. Porter is nice ….. everyone.

2. Kathy was absent …… class yesterday.

3. Jack’s thermos bottle is full …… coffee.

4. I’m angry …… Tom.

5. I’m mad ….. Tom.

6. Are you afraid ….. dogs?

7. Sometimes people aren’t kind …. animals.

8. One inch is equal ….. 2.54 centimeters.

9. I’m thirsty ….. a big glass of ice water.

10. Joe has good manners. He’s always polite … everyone.

11. I’m not familiar ….. that book. Who wrote it?

12. Are you ready …. the test?

13. I don’t understand that sentence. It isn’t clear … me.

14. Mark Twain is famous …. his novels about life on the Mississippi in the nineteenth century.

15. I’m hungry …. some chocolate ice cream.

16. Our daughter graduated from the university. We’re very proud …. her.

17. A lot of sugar isn’t good … you. Sugar is especially bad … your teeth.

18. Who was responsible … the accident?

19. My coat is similar …. yours, but different …. Al’s.

20. Some people aren’t friendly …. strangers.

Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2014-12-25; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 542 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

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