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Describing words for Housekeepers

Word Meaning Example sentence
allergic when a person must stay away from a certain food or cleaning product because it can cause them to get very sick Our daughter is allergic to that laundry detergent.
clean remove dirt and stains When the kitchen is clean I will start on the laundry.
clogged, plugged when something is blocking the hole of a tube or pipe The kitchen drain is clogged with potato skins.
damp a little bit wet I hung up your suit, but it is still a little damp.
dirty opposite of clean The floors are dirty because the kids walked through with their boots on.
dusty when furniture and surfaces are covered with a small layer of matter The office furniture upstairs is verydusty.
filthy very dirty The bathroom is filthy because we went away for the weekend and left the kids at home.
messy out of order, opposite of neat and tidy The children's rooms are messy,but it's their job to clean them.
neat, tidy (often expressed as "neat and tidy") in good order, opposite of messy Thank you for leaving the house so neat and tidy.
slippery surface that is wet or polished and is easy to fall on I just mopped, so the floors are a bit slippery.
soapy covered with lots of soap bubbles Can you rinse the dishes again? They are still soapy.
wet filled or covered with water, opposite of dry I put the dryer on twice but the clothes are still wet.
environmentally friendly good for the world, doesn't contain strong chemicals We only use cleaning products that are environmentallyfriendly.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 341 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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