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Have, own, possess

HAVE (иметь): have a car; have a nice house; she has a good job; he doesn't have a telephone; they don't have much money; I have a younger brother; he has a lot of friends; she has blue eyes; he has dark hair; he has the right to do it; have breakfast; have lunch; have dinner, have a sandwich; have a cup of tea; have a drink; have a baby; have a problem; have a question; have an opportunity; have an idea; have a suspicion; have doubts; have a good time; have fun; have a look; have a talk; have a walk; have a seat; have a bath; have a cold; have a headache; have a heart attack; have a fight; have an accident; have patience; have influence; I don't have enough courage to do it; he has a lot of good qualities; have pity on him; he doesn't have time; you have an hour for this task; I have to go; we have to help him; I don't have to work today; have him do it; have her call me; I will not have it! I've had it!

OWN (владеть, признавать своим): she owns a car; he owns a nice house; he owns land; Do you own property? she doesn't own the house in which she lives; they own their own home; he owns a gun legally; she owns the estate jointly with her brother; the company is partly owned by his uncle; the building is privately owned; he owned his child in court; he owned his faults; he owned to being wrong.

POSSESS (владеть, обладать): possess property; possess wealth; possess a house; possess courage; possess patience; possess good qualities; possess oneself; he was possessed by anger; he is possessed by ambition; she is possessed by the desire to become rich; she is possessed by envy; he is possessed by demons; What possessed her to do it?

Note: HAVE and HAVE GOT (have, have got) are described in Russian in the commentary to the song Gary Moore - Still Got the Blue in the section Hobby.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 521 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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