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Wear, dress, put on

WEAR (носить, быть одетым в): wear a coat; wear warm clothes; wears jeans; she is wearing a blue dress today; he is wearing a suit; wear a hat; wear leather shoes; wear glasses; wear jewels; wear a wig; wear a mask; wear a disguise; I have nothing to wear; What size clothes do you wear? I wear clothes in size 50; wear one's clothes into rags; wear one's shoes into holes; wear a man to a shadow; this fabric will wear for years; this fabric won't wear; this color will wear well; his coat is worn out; she is worn by anxiety; wear a smile; wear an air of happiness; wear one's head high; wear one's hair short; my patience is wearing thin; her patience is worn out.

DRESS (одевать): dress warmly; she dressed her little daughter in a nice dress; she is dressed in black; dress for dinner; What are you dressed up for? dress a store window with garlands; the surgeon dressed the wound.

PUT ON (надевать): put on a dress; put on a coat; put on a sweater; put on your glasses; put on weight; put on airs; he is putting you on.

attic storage room at the very top of the house
basement the lowest level of the house
bathroom, washroom the room for bathing and using the toilet
bedroom the room where people sleep
dining room room with a table and chairs for eating; in some houses this room is only used on special occasions
hallway long narrow area that joins one room to another
kitchen place for preparing food; sometimes has a table and chairs for eating informal meals
living room; family room place where family spends leisure time; often has a TV, also used for entertaining
lobby area in the front entrance for hanging coats and placing shoes
master bedroom the largest bedroom in the house; used by parents
nursery room for baby or young child
pantry room off the kitchen for keeping dry foods and storage items
patio outdoor area in front or backyard; usually sits slightly off the ground; often made of wood
playroom room filled with toys; books and games; indoor area for kids to play
rec room often in basement; extra room for watching TV and playing games such as billiards or ping pong
sunroom enclosed room with large windows; often used for relaxation, visiting, or reading

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 594 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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