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Fulfill, realize, accomplish, achieve, reach

FULFILL (выполнить полностью; исполнять; осуществить): fulfill a promise; he finally fulfilled his promise to his parents; fulfill a task (an order); he failed (was unable; couldn't; tried; was able; managed) to fulfill the required task; fulfill one's duties (one's obligations); we have to fulfill this work by the end of the month; fulfill a need (demand, requirement, purpose); fulfill a function; his hopes (desires, dreams) have been fulfilled; he won't be able to fulfill himself in this field; he hasn't fulfilled his potential yet.

REALIZE (осознавать; осуществить; реализовать): he realized that he was wrong; he realized his mistake only later; I fully realize the difficulties ahead; I didn't realize how difficult it could become; I didn't realize how late it was; realize one's plans (intentions, ideas, hopes, ambitions); he finally realized his intention of becoming an actor; she realized her plan to start her own business; the house realized a profit; these goods realized about ten thousand dollars; those goods were difficult to realize.

ACCOMPLISH (выполнить, довести до конца): accomplish a mission; accomplish a difficult task; she accomplished what she had hoped for; How did you accomplish that? accomplish successfully; accomplish easily.

ACHIEVE (достичь, добиться): he achieved his purpose (his aim, his goal); our purpose (aim, goal, plan) was achieved; his words achieved their aim; achieve success; achieve unity; achieve lasting peace; achieve victory; achieve good results; he failed to achieve his objectives; it is difficult (impossible, easy) to achieve what you want.

REACH (достичь места, состояния; дотянуться до): they reached their destination; we reached Boston late at night; the bookcase reaches the ceiling; their profits are expected to reach three million dollars next year; they were unable to reach a conclusion (a decision, a verdict, an agreement); he reached some success in his studies; his words reached their aim; I called several times but couldn't reach him; she reached for the telephone (for her bag, for her key); he reached into his pocket for his wallet; he is so tall that he can reach the top shelf easily; he reached out his hand in greeting; he reached out and touched the wall.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 1280 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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