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Finish, end, complete, terminate

FINISH (закончить): I finish work at six; he finished school in 2004; we were just finishing dinner when the phone rang; finish your meal; I have to finish my report; I haven't finished reading this book; he finished writing a new story; finish early; Who finished first? she finished before they did; he finished his speech by saying, "Thank you, my friends." this course finishes in June; Are you finished with the cooking? she is finished with that impudent young man; they finished off the rest of the cake; he finished up in prison; he will finish up by breaking his neck; the disease almost finished him; the table is finished in brown laquer.

END (закончить): the meeting ended at three o'clock; the war ended in 1945; How does the story end? all is well that ends well; the project ended in failure; the corridor ended in a closed door; the street ended before a small park; he ended up in a hospital; he will end up by hurting himself; he ended his life; let's end this useless argument; he ended his speech with a joke.

COMPLETE (завершить): the construction of the new road hasn't been completed yet; our new house isn't completed yet; our project was completed on schedule; they completed their task and left; he completed a six-month computer course; on that day his little daughter completed her first week of school; by six o'clock he had completed twenty pages of his new story; please complete this form accurately; Can you help me to complete this puzzle?

TERMINATE (положить конец; закончить): terminate a contract; terminate someone's privileges; terminate an agreement; terminate a controversy; his employment contract was abruptly (immediately, automatically) terminated; this railway line terminates near the woods.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 586 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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