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Consist, comprise, include, contain

CONSIST (of: состоять из; in: заключаться в): his report consists of six parts; the United States consists of fifty states; the United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Great Britain consists of England, Scotland, and Wales; water consists of hydrogen and oxygen (water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen); his supper consisted of bread and milk; friendship consists in sharing and help; your task consists in finding a new place for our office; consist mainly (mostly, largely, primarily, entirely, only) of (in) something.

COMPRISE (заключать в себе; составлять): the United Kingdom comprises England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland; her collection of books comprises two thousand volumes; women comprise about 60 percent of students at this university.

INCLUDE (включать в себя; иметь в своём составе): this edition includes all of his poems; his report includes a preface and an index; her collection of books includes several rare books; the package included a brief manual; batteries are not included in the set; please include this information in your letter; the names of new members haven't been included in the list yet; she paid for everything, postage included; twenty people were present, including five children.

CONTAIN (содержать; вмещать; сдерживать, не давать выхода): this manual contains a lot of useful information; the package contained a birthday card and a silver medallion on a silver chain; this box contains twelve bottles; this cake contains a lot of sugar; beer contains alcohol; a gallon contains four quarts; he could hardly contain his anger (indignation, amusement, laughter, eagerness); please try to contain yourself; contain a fire; contain inflation.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 3776 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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