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Choose, select, pick, pick out, elect

CHOOSE (выбирать из двух или более; предпочесть, решить): choose a tie; choose a car; choose a book for me; choose friends; choose the cast; choose a chairman; choose one's words; choose between two evils; choose carefully; choose well; choose poorly; he chose wisely; choose freely; you are free to choose whichever you want; choose anything you want; you can't pick and choose in this situation; there's nothing to choose from; choose for yourself; she chose to leave; he chose to stay.

SELECT (тщательно выбирать из группы): select a wine; select a tie; select a jury; select the cast; they selected him to represent them; select goods from a catalogue; select carefully; select deliberately; select tastefully; select fastidiously; select arbitrarily; select at random; select automatically.

PICK, PICK OUT (придирчиво выбирать из группы): pick the best; pick one's words carefully; they picked him as the captain of the team; pick out the dress that you like; she picked out the red one; she always picks out the best fruit on the market; pick out for yourself the tomatoes that you want to buy.

ELECT (избрать официально; предпочесть, решить): elect a chairman; they elected him chairman; he was elected chairman; elect a mayor; elect as a candidate; he was elected to the city council; elect unanimously; elect for the term of five years; elect by popular vote; she elected to leave; he elected to remain silent.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 677 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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