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An English house

Many families in London live in flats, but most people live in their own houses in the suburbs.

Most of London’s houses consist of 2 floors, the ground floor and the first floor. There are 6 or 7 rooms in the house.

The houses are not always very big, and they are often build very lose together.

You may want to live in a detached house (the house of your own) or in the semidetached house (two houses under one roof). Many people live in the so-called “terraced houses”, usually 2-storeyed houses, which are in a long line, connected to each other. Each entry belongs to one owner.

On the ground floor there is a dining room, a sitting-room, a kitchen and a hall. In the hall you can see a stand for hats, coats and umbrellas. On the 1st floor there are 4 bedrooms, a bathrooms and a lavatory. On the top floor of the roof there are 3 chimneys.

In front of the house they have a small garden, in which they grow flowers. At the batch of the house there’s a much lager garden with a lawn and fruit trees.

At the side of the house there is a garage, where they can keep their car. There is a fence around the garden with a gate in it.

8. Give Russian equivalents of the following proverbs:

1) My house is my castle.

2) There is no places like home.

3) Men make houses, woman make homes.

4) East or West home is best.

9. Translate from Russian into English:

1) – Между прочим, Мери, где твои новые полки?

– Они вон там, в детской комнате.

– А, вижу. Они очень хорошие. Мне они нравятся.

2) – Послушай, Ненси, какого цвета обои в твоей спальне?

– Желтого, с маленькими красными цветочками, а пол и ковер – коричневые.

– Не правда ли, твоя спаленка хорошая?

– Да, светлая и уютная. Мне она нравится.

3) – В каком районе твоя новая квартира?

– В Ясенево.

– Это далеко от центра?

– Да, довольно далеко. Но у нас рядом с домом есть станция метро и троллейбусная


– Это хорошо, я рада за тебя.

4) – Ваша старая квартира была меньше чем новая, не так ли?

– Да, но она тоже была удобная.

– A сколько в ней было комнат?

– Три, кухня ванная и туалет.

– А куда выходили окна?

– На городскую библиотеку.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 354 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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