Ñòóäîïåäèÿ.Îðã Ãëàâíàÿ | Ñëó÷àéíàÿ ñòðàíèöà | Êîíòàêòû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!  

A food shop

rye bread – ðæàíîé õëåá

fancy bread – ñäîáà

a loaf of bread (pl. – loaves) – áóõàíêà

a bar of chocolate – ïëèòêà øîêîëàäà

ring – áóáëèê

sweet – êîíôåòà (= candy)

beef – ãîâÿäèíà

duck – óòêà

frankfurters – ñîñèñêè

goose (pl. – geese) – ãóñü

ham – âåò÷èíà

meat – ìÿñî

tinned meat – ìÿñíûå êîíñåðâû

park – ñâèíèíà

sausage – êîëáàñà, ñîñèñêà

chain sausage – ñàðäåëüêà

smoked sausage – êîï÷åíàÿ êîëáàñà

turkey – èíäåéêà

veal – òåëÿòèíà

bakery – áóëî÷íàÿ, ïåêàðíÿ

butcher’s (shop) – ìÿñíàÿ ëàâêà (= meat shop)

confectionery shop – êîíäèòåðñêàÿ (= the confectioner’s)

counter – îòäåë â ïðîäîâîëüñòâåííîì ìàãàçèíå, ïðèëàâîê

dairy (shop) – ìîëî÷íûé ìàãàçèí

fish shop – ðûáíûé ìàãàçèí (= the fishmonger’s)

foodstuffs – ïðîäóêòû ïèòàíèÿ

greengrocery shop – îâîùíîé è ôðóêòîâûé ìàãàçèí (= the greengrocer’s)

grocery shop – áàêàëåéíî-ãàñòðîíîìè÷åñêèé ìàãàçèí (= the grocer’s)

jar – êóâøèí, áàíêà

box – êîðîáêà

poultry – ïòèöà

carp – êàðï

caviar – èêðà

cod – òðåñêà

crab – êðàá

fish – ðûáà

tinned fish – ðûáíûå êîíñåðâû

salmon – ëîñîñèíà, ñåìãà

sprats – øïðîòû, êèëüêè

trout – ôîðåëü

buckwheat – ãðå÷íåâàÿ êðóïà

oatmeal – îâñÿíàÿ êðóïà

rice – ðèñ

semolina- ìàííàÿ êðóïà (= farina)

soap – ìûëî

sugar – ñàõàð

cheese – ñûð

cottage cheese – òâîðîã

milk – ìîëîêî

bottle – áóòûëêà

bunch – ãâîçäü

dozen – äþæèíà

packet – ïàêåò

pound – ôóíò (400ãð.)

peach – ïåðñèê

beans - áîáû

peas – ãîðîøåê

beetroot – ñâåêëà

cherry – âèøíÿ

lettuce – ñàëàò

plum – ñëèâà

grapes – âèíîãðàä

pineapple – àíàíàñ

cucumber – îãóðåö

mustard – ãîð÷èöà

tube – òþáèê

9. Practice your vocabulary. Use the substitution patterns:

1) – Where can I buy some sugar (butter, meat, tomatoes)?

– You can buy sugar (meat, bread, fish, sweets) at the grocer’s (butcher’s, baker’s, fishmonger’s, confectioner’s).

2) – What can I do for you, madam?

– I’d like 2 pounds of beef (veal, butter) and 3 slices of cheese (ham, sausage).

3) – Can I have 200 grams of sausage at 2.20 a kilogram (2.80 a kilogram, 2.60 a kilogram)?

– Certainly, madam.

10. Read and memorize the dialogues:

1) – Good morning, madam. What can I do for you?

– A pound of apples at ₤1.30 and these oranges for ₤1.50, please.

– Yes, madam. Wouldn’t you like some peaches? They are so juicy and sweet.

– I think I’ll take some. Add half a dozen.

– Anything else, madam?

– No, thank you.

2) – I’d like a pond of sugar and a pond of cheese, please.

– Yes, madam. What else?

– A tube of mustard and a tin of peas.

– Here you are. Is that all.

– That’s all, thank you.

3) – How much are these bananas?

– They are 70p. a pound.

– I’d like three pounds, please.

– That’s two pounds, please.

4) – Can I help you?

– I’m looking for a tin of coke.

– It’s over there. Do you want anything else?

– Yes, I do. A bottle of mineral water, a loaf of bread, a packet of tea and a jar of coffee.

– Is that all?

– I think, that is all. How much is it?

– That’s ₤5.70, please.

5) – What can I do for you?

– I’d like two liters of milk, some fruit juice, 200 grammes of butter, a packet of sugar, and 300 grammes of cottage cheese.

– Here you are. It’s ₤10.50.

– Here is the money – ₤11.

– 50 pence change.

6) – Will you show me that salmon?

– Here it is.

– Will you give me a less one?

– Of course. It weights 800 grammes. Anything else?

– A tin of sprats.

– That’s ₤5.50.

7) – Have you got buckwheat on sale?

– It’s a pity, we haven’t.

– What about oatmeal? I’d like half a kilo.

– Here it is. Is that all?

– A packet of sugar and a slice of ham. Could you give me a plastic bag?

– It’ll be ₤11.

11. Role-play the dialogues:

1) Mrs. Claydon: I’m looking for strawberries. Have you got any?

Assistant: Yes, I have how many would you like?

Mrs. C.: I want two pounds, please.

A.: Here you are.

Mrs. C.: Thank you.

Diana: Hi, Mary. What are you buying?

Mrs. C.: I’m buying some strawberries for tea.

A.: Do you need anything else?

Mrs. C.: Yes, I’d like a loaf of bread, a dozen eggs, a tin of onion soup, a box of cereal, a bottle of milk, a jar of honey, a brunch of grapes, a tube of mustard and a bar of chocolate. How much is that?

A.: ₤6.42.

Mrs. C.: Thanks a lot.

* * *

2) Assistant: Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, please. I would like to have something from this shop ping list.

A.: Oh, your shopping list is very big. We stock only three tams you ask for: butter, milk and cheese.

C.: 2 packets of butter, a pound of cheese and three bottles of milk, please.

A.: Here they are. Pay by cheque at the cash desk.

C.: Excuse me, do you happen to know where I could find some ham, tinned meat and beef sausages?

A.: They are all sold at the butcher’s.

C.: And I wonder if you stock any cigarettes here?

A.: I’m afraid we don’t. You should try the shop next door for the cigarettes.

12. Read and match:

1) a pound of …; 2) a bottle of …; 3) a box of …; 4) a bar of …; 5) a jar of …; 6) a loaf of …; 7) a dozen of …; 8) a bunch of ….

a) bread; b) honey; c) chocolate; d) cheese; e) lemonade; f) eggs; g) cereal; h) grapes.

13. What does British money look like? Read the information.

There are four banknotes and seven coins.

Banknotes are of different sizes and colours. ₤50 notes are brown, ₤20 notes are purple, ₤10 notes are brown and ₤5 notes are blue. There are ₤1.50p, 50p, 10p. 5p, 2p and 1p coins. Both the 50p and 20p coins are silver and seven-sided. The 50p coin is large and the 20p is much smaller. All the other coins are round.

Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2014-11-29; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 676 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

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