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Read the dialogue and role play it

N.: Hello! How are you?

I.: Fine, thanks!

N.: I haven’t seen you for ages!

I.: We’ve got a new flat and moved out to the suburbs.

N.: How lucky! And what flat have you now?

I.: 4-room flat. The kitchen is big and the hall is rather big too. So the flat is very comfortable.

N.: And now do you get to your college now? By underground?

I.: No, there is no underground station near, but there are lots of buses and a trolley-bus. It take me half an hour to get to the college.

N.: And what about shopping?

I.: Sopping is not a problem. A food shop is on the ground floor of our block. By all means you have to come to our place.

N.: Thanks, I’d love to.

I.: Make a note of the address.

N.: Can you give me a pencil?

I.: Here are you. Write, 3 Belinskaya Street, apartment 116, the 9th floor.

N.: Thanks. It was very kind of you to invite me.

I.: You are welcome. See you soon.

N.: So long!

4. Answer the questions:

1) Where do you live? What’s your address?

2) Do you live in a private house or in a block of flats?

3) Are there any flowerbeds in front of your block of flats?

4) Is your block of flats far from the bus stop?

5) How many floors ate there in you block?

6) What floor is your flat on?

7) What modern conveniences are there in your flat?

8) Is your flat large or small?

9) How many rooms are there in your flat? What are they?

10) Which is the biggest room in your flat?

11) Where do you usually have meals?

5. Which form of verb is missing (is or are)?

1) There … three rooms in our flat.

2) There … a small table with a tape recorder in my room.

3) … there any books on your desk?

4) How many programs … there on you TV?

5) What … there under the table?

6) There … two beds and a table in my bedroom.

7) There … a sofa and three armchairs in the living-room.

8) There … a bathtub and a shower in our bathroom.

9) … there any curtains on the door?

10) … there any carpets on the walls?

6. Choose the proper word (some, any, no, anything, something or nothing):

1) Are there … chairs in your room? – Yes, there are ….

2) Have you … cassettes of pop music? – It’s a pity, but I have … cassettes.

3) What is there in your bag? – Oh, I have … interesting for you.

4) – Look! I see … white under the table.

– It’s my cat.

5) – Is there … interesting in the newspaper?

– … special.

7. Read the text and retell it:

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 529 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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