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At home

a home дом, домашний очаг

an apartment house многоквартирный дом

a block of flats многоквартирный дом

a housewarming новоселье

an attic чердак

a building здание

a country house загородный домик

a private house частный дом

a roof крыша

a flat (Br.) = an apartment (Amer.) квартира

a staircase лестница

a balcony балкон

an entrance hall прихожая

a hall прихожая

a clock-room гардероб

a sitting room гостиная

a dining room столовая

a bedroom спальня

a library библиотека

a living-room гостиная

a kitchen кухня

a nursery детская комната

a bath-room ванная комната

a lavatory [lævәtәri] (toilet) туалет

a cellar погреб

floor пол (этаж)

the ground floor наземный этаж

the first floor первый этаж

the top floor верхний этаж

a flowerbed клумба

a garage гараж

ceiling потолок

a window-still подоконник

a room комната

to pull down снести (дом)

to move in(out) вселяться (выселяться)

suburb пригород

housing shortage нехватка жилья

to rent арендовать

rent аренда

a tape-recorder магнитофон

a wardrobe платяной шкаф

a desk письменный стол

a coverlet покрывало

light светлый

bed linen постельное бельё

wallpaper обои

to be of modern design современно дизайна

an utility bill счёт за коммунальные услуги

a shared apartment коммунальная квартира

to share делить с кем-либо

modern conveniences современные удобства

gas газ

lift лифт

central heating центральное отопление

hot and cold water горячая и холодная вода

running water водопровод

electricity электричество

pieces of furniture предметы мебели

a refrigerator холодильник

a sink раковина

a tap кран

a gas-stove газовая плита

a microwave oven микроволновая печь

a dishwasher посудомоечная машина

a washing machine стиральная машина

a mixer миксер

a mincer [minsә] мясорубка

a bread-bin мусорное ведро

a carpet ковёр

a carpet runner ковровая дорожка

a mirror [mirә] зеркало

curtains занавески

a chandelier люстра

a sofa диван

a sofa-bed диван-кровать

a wall unit мебельная стенка

an arm-chair кресло

a TV set телевизор

to get a new flat получить новую квартиру

to face to look towards окна выходят на….

сomfortable удобный

a stereo [stiәriou] стереосистема

a shelf полка

a cur board комод

a pillow подушка

a low table журнальный столик

cosy [kousi] уютный

a bath-tub ванна

a vase [va:z] ваза

1. Read the dialogues:

1) – What does this window overlook?

– It faces a garden.

– Oh, how nice! Green is always pleasant to one’s eyes, isn’t it?

– On the one hand it is. But on the other…there is a children’s corner just opposite my

window, you know.

2) – Do you like this arm-chair?

– Yes, it looks very comfortable. But I think you’ve put it in a dark place.

- Well, it isn’t quite so. Let me switch on the wall lamp …. What would you say now?

– Oh, fine!

3) – Where is my pen?

– Look on the writing-table.

– But it isn’t on the table.

– Then look under the table…or in front of your chair…or behind the sofa. It must be in the room.

– No, not under the table…. Oh, here it is!

– Where was it?

– It was in my pocket.

4) – Put the telephone on the bedside table, please.

– But there’s no room for it: there are too many things on the table.

– You may take the vase away.

– And what about the desk lamp? May I take it away too?

5) – You’ve got a large flat, Nick. By the way, is this your room?

– No, It’s not mine.

– Whose room is this?

– It’s my children’s.

– Where’s your room?

– It’s over there.

– Oh, what a comfortable room!

– It’s good, isn’t it? I like it.

6) – Hello, Ann!

– Hello, Mary. Come in, please. I want to show you my new flat. This way, please. This

is our living-room.

– What a nice room! It’s larger than your old one, isn’t it?

– Yes, it’s larger and lighter. The flat is very comfortable. The kitchen is larger too.

– The flat is really good. I’m glad for you, Ann.

7) – Bob, come and see my new flat on Sunday.

– With pleasure. What’s your address?

– It’s 55 Novaya Street, flat 137.

– By the way, is there a telephone in your flat?

– Yes, there is. Write down my telephone number, please. It’s 308-11-82.

– How can I get to your house?

– By bus 16. The bus stop is in front of the underground station.

– That’s very convenient. Well, thank you for invitation, see you on Saturday, then.

2. Read the dialogue and make up a story about Mrs. Parker’s flat.

Students: Good evening, Mrs. Parker. We should like to see the room you let.

Mrs. Parker: Are you the students of the University?

S.: Yes, we are. We are looking for a flat with all modern conveniences.

Mrs. P.: where did you live before?

S.: We rented a room in an old house, which was pulled down. Now we at our friends.

Mrs. P.: Then go and see my room. There are all necessary pieces of furniture in it. The room

faces the city park and it is not far from the University.

S.: your room is really nice and comfortable. But what about bed linen and would you also allow us to use the refrigerator and the TV set?

Mrs. P.: Yes, that is included in the rent which is quite reasonable. You are to pay 50 pounds each.

S.: It isn’t bed indeed. When can we move in?

Mrs. P.: Any time you like. The room is ready.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 429 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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