Ñòóäîïåäèÿ.Îðã Ãëàâíàÿ | Ñëó÷àéíàÿ ñòðàíèöà | Êîíòàêòû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!  

Ìîäàëüíûå ãëàãîëû

I. Âûáåðèòå îäèí èç ïðåäëîæåííûõ âàðèàíòîâ îòâåòà:

1. (May / Can) I make a comment at this point? – Yes, of course you (may / can).

2. Analysts say that interest rates (may / can) risebefore the end of the year.

3. By examining the balance sheet we (were able to / could) find out that the company was not doing as well as they claimed.

4. Confidential documents (may not / cannot) be photocopied without prior approval.

5. I thought I was going to miss the plane but I (could / managed to) get to the airport on time.

6. She(could / might) have goneto Oxford but she went to Cambridge instead.

7. The computer system has just crashed. I think we might (lose / have lost) a lot of data.

8. They didn’t meet yesterday, so they could not(make / have made) the decision then.

9. Those who (cannot / may not) manage their time efficiently always have high stress levels.

10. Through effective advertising a company (can / may) become a household brand.

II. Âûáåðèòå îäèí èç ïðåäëîæåííûõ âàðèàíòîâ îòâåòà:

1. The supplier … deliver the goods on or by the date specified in the contract.

a. must b. have to c. needn’t d. should

2. I can work from home so I … to go to the office very often.

a. needn’t b. mustn’t c. oughtn’t d. don’t have

3. When the sales representatives arrived he was the only employee in the office, so he … show the visitors around.

a. was to b. should c. must d. might

4. An effective manager … keep the staff motivated, especially when things look black.

a. may b. must c. need d. ought

5. You … to keep an account of all your expenses.

a. should b. had better c. must d. ought

6. I … have phoned the sales engineer at 11 sharp but it totally slipped my mind.

a. could b. might c. should d. was to

7. … I move on to the next point on the agenda now?

a. Will b. Shall c. Can d. Would

8. He sold his shares at their peak, so he … have madea lot of money.

a. can b. may c. should d. must

9. I am going to an interview tomorrow. I … prepare all the necessary documents right now.

a. had better b. ought c. may d. should

10. If you open a bank account in the Bahamas, you … pay income tax.

a. may not b. must not c. won’t have to d. cannot

11. This information … have been given to the tax authorities two years ago.

a. could b. might c. must d. should

12. I … remind the boss to get in touch with the logistics manager.

a. must b. may c. need d. have to

13. Because he was from the European Union, he … get a visa to visit Britain.

a. didn’t have b. needn’t c. couldn’t d. wasn’t

14. We … wear a uniform at work, it’s not our choice.

a. have to b. must c. may d. should

15. You … sign the document until you have read it through.

a. may not b. should not c. must not d. had better not

16. The boss has left instructions that he … be disturbed.

a. shouldn’t b.is not to c. may not d. couldn’t

17. Our previous chairman … always begin the annual general meeting with a joke.

a. could b. should c. would d. will

18. The Financial Director … check that the company was financially sound.

a. is to b. had to c. should d. need to

19. Unauthorized personnel … pass this point.

a. cannot b. is not c. must not d. needn’t

20. Unless you comply with our requirements, we … be forced to initiate legal proceedings.

a. must b. have to c. are to d. will

III. Çàïîëíèòå ïðîïóñêè ïîäõîäÿùèìè ïî ñìûñëó ìîäàëüíûìè ãëàãîëàìè èëè èõ ýêâèâàëåíòàìè:

1. … I go through the minutes of the last meeting first?

2. A firm is said to be insolvent when it … not fulfil its commitments.

3. Before Mr. Wellington, our bookkeeper, … become a CPA, he … meet a number of requirements.

4. Everyone in the research and development department … be working very long hours at the moment.

5. I’m afraid I’ll be late tonight – I … fetch the guests from the station.

6. Any decisions made … be consistent with the company’s overall strategy.

7. If a company needs to raise a lot of money, it … issue shares.

8. As the payment wasn’t made in due time, they … dissolve the agreement.

9. By using the multimedia projector the speaker … to communicate the information quite clearly.

10. It was a mistake to get rid of those shares. You … have soldthem.

11. Managers …strive for two-way communication with their subordinates.

12. Every company … watch its cash flow carefully if it …to avoid bankruptcy.

13. I’m sure they … be conversant with our products as they are sold all over Europe.

14. Mr. Golden is on holiday in Spain – you … have seenhim this morning.

15. If a country has a floating currency, importers … keep changing the prices of their goods.

16. The associate director … have carried on the negotiations with the sales agents but he didn’t.

17. If you don’t sign the new contract, we … move you to another post.

18. Mr. Brook … preside over the shareholders’ meeting yesterday.

19. The company … be forced to make a number of employees redundant in the coming months but the situation … improve in the longer term.

20. Ms Petty wasn’t at the meeting – she … have been delayed at the airport.

21. The customer … notify the supplier of any defects within five days.

22. Twenty years ago you … buy a computer as cheaply as you … now.

23. Unfortunately we … interview every applicant for this position.

24. We … have rushed to the airport as the plane was late.

25. When you retire early you … receive a compensating payment from your employer.

Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2014-11-29; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 1724 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

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