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I. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. I don’t think this work needs (correcting / being corrected).

2. On (coming / having come) home I began to work at my report.

3. She insisted on the documents (signing / being signed)at once.

4. Susie denied (giving / having given) the office keys to anyone else.

5. The problem is not worth (discussing / being discussed).

6. After (concluding / having concluded) the contract the delegation returned to their country.

7. Dismissal is the act of terminating employment or the condition of (dismissing / being dismissed) by the employer.

8. He mentioned (providing / having provided) venture capital for some small innovative company.

9. When I am giving a presentation, I don’t mind (asking / being asked) questions.

10. You’d better come back later. Mr. Bradbury dislikes (interrupting / being interrupted) when he’s in a meeting.

II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. I tried (to get / getting) in touch with you last week but I think you were away.

2. Could you take this file to Mrs. Murray? I meant (to let / letting) her have it this morning, but I forgot (to give / giving) it to her.

3. I am sure that if you stop (to think / thinking) about our offer you will agree that the price is quite reasonable.

4. The secretary advised me (not to speak / against speaking) to the boss right now.

5. First I’ll speak about the background of the company, then I’ll go on (to describe / describing) our new range of products.

6. He found it very difficult (to get / getting) work because he was unemployed, and soon regretted (to resign / resigning) from his previous job.

7. I like my staff (to make / making) decisions for themselves, but they seem afraid (to show / of showing) any initiative.

8. The managing director prefers (to leave / leaving) financial affairs to his accountant.

9. I’m sorry (to spoil / for spoiling) your plans last weekend. – That’s OK. I was sorry (to hear / hearing) you weren’t feeling very well.

10. We like (to test / testing) the goods before we dispatch them.

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в форме герундия или инфинитива:

1. We can’t afford (miss) this opportunity.

2. He failed (comprehend) the seriousness of the problem.

3. If we don’t make up our mind rather quickly, we risk (lose) the whole contract.

4. We guarantee (deliver) the goods by the end of December.

5. May I suggest (postpone) the meeting until next week?

6. The politician has been under a cloud over the possibility of (take) bribes.

7. He got to the top in business by his own efforts in spite of (have)little education and training.

8. The new product line is doing really well. I think we should go on (sell) it for another six months at least.

9. The Chairman is skillful at (avoid) (answer) awkward questions.

10. We like (contact) our potential customers to check their reactions to the advertising campaign.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 831 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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