Ñòóäîïåäèÿ.Îðã Ãëàâíàÿ | Ñëó÷àéíàÿ ñòðàíèöà | Êîíòàêòû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!  

Ñîñëàãàòåëüíîå íàêëîíåíèå

I. Âûáåðèòå îäèí èç ïðåäëîæåííûõ âàðèàíòîâ îòâåòà:

1. I hope that if I (do / will do) my best, they will give me a permanent contract after a few months.

2. I wish you (attended / had attended) the meeting yesterday.

3. If a firm doesn’t advertise, it (would lose / loses) its market share.

4. Unless you (don’t send / send) us all the documents, we won’t be able to deliver you the merchandise.

5. If I were on the Board of this company, I (will argue / would argue) against the merger.

6. If we (anticipated / had anticipated) the financial collapse, we wouldn’t have lost so much money.

7. She (wouldn’t have missed / wouldn’t miss) the deadline if she weren’t so disorganized.

8. If you (were / had been) in his situation, what would you do?

9. I wish our partners (wouldn’t infringe / hadn’t infringed) terms and conditions of contracts from now on.

10. If you (granted / would grant) us a 15% trade discount, we’d make firm orders in advance for one year.

II. Âûáåðèòå îäèí èç ïðåäëîæåííûõ âàðèàíòîâ îòâåòà:

1. We exchange goods only if you … a receipt.

a. will produce b. produced c. produce d. would produce

2. I wish I … a senior staff member so that I can use the car park.

a. was b. were c. had been d. would be

3. I’ll have to send them a reminder unless they … the invoice in due time.

a. pay b. will pay c. won’t pay d. don’t pay

4. But for the poor advertising campaign their sales … considerably.

a. would increase c. had increased

b. would have increased d. will increase

5. If he … in time, he would have taken all necessary measures.

a. were warned b. had warned c. was warned d. had been warned

6. They wish they … the job to an external candidate. Now they regret about it.

a. wouldn’t give b. didn’t give c. hadn’t given d. haven’t given

7. If the quality of the product hadn’t been so bad, we ….

a. hadn’t complained c. wouldn’t have complained

b. wouldn’t complain d. didn’t complain

8. There are so many similar models on the market now. If only we … our version earlier.

a. launched b. would launch c. have launched d. had launched

9. If he … so willing and energetic, he would have never got the position of the Managing Director.

a. weren’t b. hadn’t been c. isn’t d. wasn’t

10. If … in cash, … the price by 10%?

a. I paid; will you reduce c. I paid; would you reduce ü

b. did I pay; you would reduce d. I pay; you will reduce

11. If you … goods on the Internet, they always … you an email confirmation.

a. order; will send c. had ordered; would have sent

b. order; send d. ordered; would send

12. The bank … you money to set up a company unless you … some kind of business plan.

a. won’t lend; had c. won’t lend; have

b. wouldn’t lend; didn’t have d. will lend; don’t have

13. If you … sales by over 15%, the company … you a performance bonus.

a. increase; will paid c. would increase; paid

b. increased; would pay d. had increased; will pay

14. If … about their financial problems, I … business with them.

a. I’d known; wouldn’t have done c. I knew; wouldn’t have done

b. I’d know; didn’t do d. I’d have known; hadn’t done

15. If we … a notice concerning the respite of payment in proper time, we … a bank account for $5000.

a. would receive; established c. would have received; had established

b. received; would establish d. had received; would have established ü

III. Ðàñêðîéòå ñêîáêè, óïîòðåáèâ ãëàãîë â òðåáóþùåéñÿ ôîðìå ñîñëàãàòåëüíîãî íàêëîíåíèÿ:

1. But for the delay in delivery we (not have) to pay damages.

2. I am confident that we (meet) our targets if we (maintain) our current level of sales.

3. If he (take) his job more seriously, he (advance) long ago.

4. I have no idea what the other party are going to propose in the negotiations tomorrow. – Neither do I. If I (know), I (tell) you.

5. If I (be) in your position, I (insist) on having more staff in the finance and accounts department.

6. If I (be) you, I (not waste) time. I would learn foreign languages. It’s very important for getting a good job.

7. We (stop) the meeting now if there (be) nothing else to discuss.

8. I think if I (obtain) a Master of Business Administration degree, I (improve) my job prospects.

9. If our side (be) better prepared, we (succeed) in yesterday’s talks.

10. I wish they (stop) criticizing our efforts to change the advertising strategy.

11. If that customer’s complaints (be) well-grounded, his losses (compensate).

12. They (survive) that awful recession if they (invest) in new technology.

13. If the Managing Director (not go) on a business trip, he (sign) the contract, I’m sure. But now you’ll have to wait for him to return.

14. Perhaps I (purchase) this equipment if you (throw in) the accessories.

15. If these figures (can break) down into parts, it (make) them easier to understand.

16. We (not employ) people unless they (be) experienced and eager to work hard.

17. If they (approve) this delivery schedule, we (be able) to dispatch the goods within 7 days.

18. Sometimes if you (take take) a chance, it (pay pays) off.

19. If they (promote) the brand better, they (gain) their share of market. But unfortunately, they can’t.

20. What laws you (change would change) if you (be were) the Prime Minister?

21. If we (break) into the Western market, our turnover (increase) substantially. So we should do our best to implement this plan.

22. If you (look) carefully at your copy of the contract, you (see) that this clause applies to you.

23. Unless we (meet) the debts by the end of December, we (force) to declare ourselves bankrupt.

24. We (accept) their terms of the agreement yesterday if they (prolong) the warranty period.

25. Will you inform them that if they (not settle) their account, we (take) them to court?

Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2014-11-29; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 721 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

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