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I. Вставьте частицу to перед инфинитивом, где необходимо:

1. … stay competitive, hi-tech firms must constantly … innovate otherwise their products become out of date.

2. Before we can … decide where … buy the equipment, we need … carry out market research.

3. He didn’t dare … argue with his superior.

4. The first thing a commercial must … do is … catch the potential customer’s eye.

5. Our main competitors were heard … become insolvent.

6. The employers tried a lock-out … make the workers … accept their terms.

7. There is nothing for you … do but … consult with the tax lawyer.

8. Why not … consider our own employees first for any vacancies?

9. The supervisor lost control of his subordinates after he allowed them … override his decisions.

10. Hi-Marks Company is an exclusive distributor in our region, so we are forced … purchase domestic appliances from them.

II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. There is no even a chance for him ….

a. to promote c. to be promoting

b. to be promoted d. to have been promoted

2. Our enterprise is expected … to prosper in the next twelve months in spite of some current problems.

a. to continue c. to have continued

b. to be continuing d. to be continued

3. I am proud … an opportunity of working on your staff.

a. to have given c. to have been given

b. to give d. to be giving

4. Insurance companies may use insurance adjusters to negotiate the amount of the insurance ….

a. to be paid c. to pay

b. to have been paid d. to have paid

5. The idea is said … from the research and development department.

a. to originate c. to be originating

b. to have originated d. to have been originated

6. We appear … very good progress nowadays.

a. to make c. to have made

b. to be making d. to have been making

7. … the increased demand for consumer goods, new supermarket has been opened in the city centre.

a. to meet c. to be met

b. to have met d. to have been met

8. The first question … at the meeting is the stimulation of the public interest to our new product line.

a. to discuss c. to be discussed

b. to be discussing d. to have been discussed

9. There is no reason for the other party … the terms of delivery.

a. to change c. to be changing

b. to have been changing d. to have changed

10. The Board of Directors seem … the proposal for more than an hour.

a. to negotiate c. to have negotiated

b. to be negotiating d. to have been negotiating

III. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. I want you to pay more attention to our new advertising campaign.

2. Managers who like power find it difficult to delegate responsibility.

3. Our share of market seems to have gone down a month ago.

4. She doesn’t seem to get on very well with her colleagues.

5. The applicant is too inexperienced for us to consider employing him.

6. This company is known to have gone bankrupt.

7. We expect the turnover toincreaseby at least 3 per cent.

8. Your assistant deserves to be paid more as he is regularly on overtime.

9. This is for the public relations department to project the right image of the company.

10. He waited for the CEO to discuss how to improve productivity and stay competitive.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 709 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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